- Takashi Sakamoto, Toshiyuki Kondo, The Role of Motor Intention during Passive Motor Learning, Proc. 5th International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions (ISHF2013), pp.14-21, Vancouver, Canada (6/27-29, 2013)
- Takashi Sakamoto, Toshiyuki Kondo, Effects of Passive Arm Movement on Adaptation to Visuomotor Rotation, 16th International Graphonomics Society Conference (IGS2013), Nara, Japan (6/10-13, 2013)
- Takashi Sakamoto, Toshiyuki Kondo, Can Passive Arm Movement Affect Adaptation to Visuomotor Rotation?, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning-EpiRob 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, (11/7-9, 2012).
- Takashi Sakamoto, Toshiyuki Kondo, Effect of Passive Movement on Visuomotor Rotation Learning, The 27th Symposium on Biological and Physiological Engineering (BPES 2012), 北海道大学, 札幌, (9/19-21, 2012)