Lang: [JP][EN]
Term of Program: FY2014-2018
Title of Program: Understanding brain plasticity on body representations to promote their adaptive functions
Area Number: 4603, Embodied-Brain Systems
Program Director: Jun Ota (The University of Tokyo, Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering (RACE), Professor)
Purpose of the research program
As the Japanese society ages rapidly, we are experiencing a sharp increase in the number of patients of motor paralysis and other dysfunctions resulting from motor dysfunction, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, establishing effective rehabilitation techniques to overcome these motor dysfunctions is of paramount importance. The key to achieving this is to elucidate the mechanisms by which the brain adapts to changes in body functions. However, abnormalities in somatognosia can occur even in diseases that do not cause motor dysfunction. This indicates that we create and maintain a model of the body in the brain (body representation in the brain). The purpose of this program is to elucidate the neural mechanisms of the body representation in the brain and the mechanism of the long-term changes in this representation and to apply these findings to rehabilitation interventions. In order to do this, we will attempt to combine brain science and rehabilitation medicine by using systems engineering (Fig. 1). We thereby intend to gain an integrated understanding of motor control and somatognosia in order to create a new academic discipline that is known as embodied-brain systems science.
Contents of the research program
In order to achieve the above-mentioned goals of this study, we will establish nine research projects (A01-03, B01-03, C01-03). In research projects A01/02, we will conduct experiments on humans and monkeys by using methods that are based on interventional neuroscience in an attempt to understand the neural mechanisms of the body representation in the brain and the process by which it changes with respect to somatognosia (sense of agency, sense of ownership) and motor control (muscle synergy control, anticipatory postural control). We will use neural decoding and virus vector technology to investigate markers that reflect changes in the body representation in the brain. In research projects B01/B02, we will create dynamic models of the differing time constants of the fast dynamics and slow dynamics of the body representation in the brain based on neurophysiological experimental data and clinical data from patients undergoing rehabilitation. In research projects C01/C02, we will attempt to quantify the rehabilitative effects with the markers. By integrating this with a model of the body representation in the brain, we will implement model-based rehabilitation and create predictions of prognosis for intervention. The research projects A03, B03, and C03 are those for subscribed research groups.
Expected research achievements and scientific significance
Organically combining brain science and rehabilitation medicine by using systems engineering can be anticipated to yield the following three results:
  1. By identifying the markers that reflect the moment-to-moment status and long-term changes in body representation in the brain, which govern somatognosia and motor control, it will be possible to quantitatively evaluate the effects of rehabilitation intervention.
  2. By elucidating the slow dynamics of body representation in the brain and developing techniques that can be used to intervene in those dynamics, we will work toward developing innovative model-based rehabilitative techniques that permit predictions of prognosis.
  3. We will describe the mechanisms of the important brain functions that are essential to the existence of somatognosia and motor control and pursue the computational principles of the brain that are shared by these functions.
Management group (X00)

Comprehensive research Management for understanding the plasticity mechanism of body representations in brain


The management group aims to lead the research program by planning research policy, managing research projects, and working on assessment and publicity of the outcome. This group regularly holds steering committee meetings to determine research policy. At the end of each fiscal year, this group plans to have annual meetings to evaluate the progress of all research projects and enhance mutual collaboration among the researchers. To promote internationalization of the program, the group holds international workshops/symposia occasionally. With regard to outreach activities, the group organizes public symposia, issues newsletters, and updates the website.


Principal Investigator Jun Ota (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator* Eiichi Naito (Research Manager, NICT CiNet)
Co-Investigator* Shin-ichi Izumi (Professor, Tohoku University)
Co-Investigator* Toshiyuki Kondo (Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Co-Investigator Hiroshi Imamizu (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Kazuhiko Seki (Director,National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
Co-Investigator Kaoru Takakusaki (Professor, Asahikawa Medical University)
Co-Investigator Hajime Asama (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Nobuhiko Haga (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Akira Murata (Associate Professor, Kinki University)
Co-Investigator Tetsunari Inamura (Associate Professor, National Institute of Informatics)
Co-Investigator Takashi Hanakawa (Director,National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
Co-Investigator Atsushi Yamashita (Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Research Collaborator Yoshiaki Iwamura (Part-time Professor, Ueno Gakuen University / Emeritus Professor, Toho University)

Research Project A01

A01-1 Neural mechanisms inducing plasticity on body representations


Our research project aims to find neural correlates of bodily self-consciousness, and neural mechanisms in which changes in bodily self-consciousness lead to changes in body representations in the brain. Based on these results, we will develop a method for intervention and manipulation of the bodily self-consciousness. In this fiscal year, we made significant advances in investigation of fast and slow dynamics in body representations, decoding bodily self-consciousness, and finding a cause of abnormality in bodily self-consciousness in schizophrenia. We also developed a new experimental paradigm for online electroencephalogram (EEG) measurement of bodily self-consciousness and for electroneurophysiological study on corollary discharge.


Principal Investigator Hiroshi Imamizu (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator* Akira Murata (Associate Professor, Kinki University)
Co-Investigator* Yukari Ohki (Professor, Kyorin University)
Co-Investigator* Takaki Maeda (Assistant Professor, Keio University)
Co-Investigator Satoshi Shibuya (Assistant Professor, Kyorin University)
Co-Investigator Kenji Ogawa (Associate Professor, Hokkaido University)
Co-Investigator Tomohisa Asai (Researcher, NTT Communication Science Laboratories)
Co-Investigator Tsukasa Okimura (Assistant Professor, Keio University)
Co-Investigator Yuichi Yamashita (Section Chief, NCNP)
Co-Investigator Hiroaki Shigemasu (Associate Professor, Kochi University of Technology)
Co-Investigator Hiroshi Kadota (Associate Professor, Kochi University of Technology)
Co-Investigator Masahiro Yamashita (Researcher, ATR)
Co-Investigator Chang Cai (Researcher, ATR)
Co-Investigator Ryu Ohata (JSPS Research Fellow, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Kei Mochizuki (Assistant Professor, Kinki University)
Co-Investigator Masatoshi Yoshida (Assistant Professor, National Institute for Physiological Sciences)

Research Project A02

A02-1 Neural adaptative mechanism for physical changes


Our research group is based on three major Neuroscience hub in japan (NCNP, NICT, TMIMS) and include 18 scientists. Through frequent collaboration and discussion, we would like to find how the embodied brain control our body. Aim of our collaborative study is to know the neural organization of muscle synergy generator and controller using electrophysiology and functional Brain imaging and propose the biomarker of brain plasticity on body representation. In the FY2015, we established 1) Stroke model using common marmoset, 2) understanding the fast and slow dynamics in human body cognition and motor control, and development of new fMRI decoding method, and 3) understanding on the mechanisms used by Purkinje cells to influence limb motor control and on the plastic changes that underlie motor learning in the cerebrocerebellum.


Principal Investigator Kazuhiko Seki (Director, NCNP)
Co-Investigator* Eiichi Naito (Research Manager, CiNet)
Co-Investigator* Shinji Kakei (Project Leader, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science)
Co-Investigator Kenichi Inoue (Assistant Professor, Kyoto University)
Co-Investigator Naomichi Ogihara (Associate Professor, Keio University)
Co-Investigator Tatsuya Umeda (Section Chief, NCNP)
Co-Investigator Tomomichi Oya (Section Chief, NCNP)
Co-Investigator Masaya Hirashima (Senior Researcher, CiNet)
Co-Investigator Tsuyoshi Ikegami (Researcher, CiNet)
Co-Investigator Satoshi Hirose (Researcher, CiNet)
Co-Investigator Shintaro Uehara (Assistant Researcher, CiNet)
Co-Investigator Ganesh Gowrishanker (Researcher, CNRS)
Co-Investigator Min Kyonbo (Senior Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science)
Co-Investigator Lee Zonho (Senior Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science)
Co-Investigator Takahiro Ishikawa (Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science)
Co-Investigator Takeru Honda (Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science)
Co-Investigator Kaoru Amemiya (Researcher, CiNet)
Co-Investigator Hiroshi Mitoma (Professor, Department of Medical Education, Tokyo Medical University)


A02-2 Adaptive embodied-brain function due to alteration of the postural-locomotor synergies


The present project is designed to examine cortical and subcortical mechanisms involved in the sensorimotor integration underlying anticipatory postural adjustments (APA) that precede the initiation and execution of voluntary movements. In the 2nd year of this project, experimentation in human beings and animals (monkeys and cats) have been performed. Following findings were obtained. First, APA was a feed-forward control process of controlling posture that requires motor programs and bodily information generated by fronto-parietal cortical network. Second, both the firing rate of the supplementary motor area (SMA) neurons and the contraction of paravertebral and leg muscles were higher during locomotion by biped than quadruped in the monkey. Third, reticulospinal neurons (RSNs) located in the ventral part of the pontomedullary reticular formation (PMRF), where cortico-reticular neurons abundantly projected from the motor cortical area that was relevant to the SMA in primates, were involved in the increase in the contraction of antigravity muscles of the cat. These results support our hypothesis that cortico-reticulospinal projections, arising from the SMA-ventral PMRF to the spinal cord, may have capability of the execution of APA.


Principal Investigator Kaoru Takakusaki (Professor, Asahikawa Medical University)
Co-Investigator* Katsumi Nakajima (Professor, Iwate Medical University)
Co-Investigator Hiroshi Funakoshi (Professor, Asahikawa Medical University)
Co-Investigator Yuriko Sugiuchi (Associate Professor, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
Co-Investigator Yasuo Higurashi (Researcher, Kinki University)
Co-Investigator Tetsuo Ota (Professor, Asahikawa Medical University)
Co-Investigator Kazuhiro Obara (Assistant Professor, Asahikawa Medical University)
Co-Investigator Mirai Takahashi (Assistant Professor, Asahikawa Medical University)
Co-Investigator Seiji Matsumoto (Lecturer, Asahikawa Medical University)

Research Project B01

B01-1 Modeling of slow dynamics on body representations in brain


Body consciousness such as sense of agency and sense of ownership is generated in real-time based on the body representation in brain. This process can be called “fast dynamics.” On the other hand, the body representation is created, updated and transformed through perceptional and motion experience, which can be called “slow dynamics.” In this group, these dynamics on the process creating and updating body representation in brain related to body consciousness are investigated and modeled mathematically. The concrete objectives of B01 research group are mathematical modeling of creation of body consciousness and transformation of body representation of brain, verification of cognition-body mapping model, and examination of its application to model-based rehabilitation.


Principal Investigator Hajime Asama (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator* Toshiyuki Kondo (Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Co-Investigator* Hirokazu Tanaka (Associate Professor, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Co-Investigator* Shiro Yano (Assistant Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Co-Investigator* Jun Izawa (Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba)
Co-Investigator Atsushi Yamashita (Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Masafumi Yano (Emeritus Professor, Tohoku University)
Co-Investigator Qi An (Research Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Wen Wen (Researcher, The University of Tokyo)

Research Project B02

B02-1 Modeling of motor control that alters body representations in brain


Body representation in brain plays an important role for the generation of adaptive motor functions (fast dynamics), while it gradually alters to adapt to the changes of several conditions by brain plasticity (slow dynamics). Meanwhile, muscle activities are represented by low dimensional structure composed of characteristic spatiotemporal patterns depending on tasks. This structure is well-known as muscle synergy and viewed as a neural strategy for simplifying the control of multiple degrees of freedom in biological systems. In this project, to elucidate mechanisms of the body representation in brain for adaptive motor control, we aim to construct fast and slow dynamics models by focusing on muscle synergy. We assume that the alteration of muscle synergy structure reflects the alteration of the body representation in brain, and we clarify the contribution of the body representation in brain through modeling the fast and slow dynamics of the synergy structure.


Principal Investigator Jun Ota (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator* Shinya Aoi (Lecturer, Kyoto University)
Co-Investigator* Ryosuke Chiba (Associate Professor, Asahikawa Medical University)
Co-Investigator Taiki Ogata (Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Dai Yanagihara (Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Kazuo Tsuchiya (Emeritus Professor, Kyoto University)
Co-Investigator Toshio Aoyagi (Professor, Kyoto University)
Co-Investigator Soichiro Fujiki (Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Shohei Shirafuji (Researcher, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Yu Yong (Professor, Kagoshima University)

Research Project C01

C01-1 Neurorehabilitation based upon brain plasticity on body representations


The number of those who have disorder in brain function, motor and sensory functions after stroke, has been rising because the number of stroke survivors is increased owing to the advance of clinical medicine. This situation creates a great need for effective rehabilitation for motor impairment and many types of rehabilitative approaches have been produced. Although some techniques improve temporally motor impairment immediately after intervention, the patients with hemiparesis tend not to use a paretic limb gradually in everyday life, because they cannot control their paretic limb as they intend. This is because the current rehabilitation approaches are not enough for a paretic limb to be a functional limb, which is a limb the patients want to use for some purpose in daily living. To make a paretic limb functional one is not only that the paretic limb is improved in function but also that brain can recognize a paretic limb as an own body part and send an appropriate motor command to the paretic limb. For this purpose, we hypothesized that there would be the cognitive mapper of body, which is a neural mechanism for estimating the body state and the environment neighboring to body utilizing the information from sensory and motor information. The states in body parts including paretic limb of the patients with hemiparesis would be coded in this mapper in the brain and this mapper could bring the body consciousness, such as body ownership and self-agency, to us when we move a body part. According to previous studies, because this mapper seems to be very flexible to the change in the body and environments, the body consciousness generated by the mapper also change when this mapper change. Thus, although it is natural that we could access the cognitive mapper of body in the brain through the body consciousness, we have no way to know and measure the change of the mapper by an intervention to body consciousness. Firstly, in our group we focus on the two unique phenomena; the abnormality in perception of gravity in body after brain damage and abnormal sensation of amputated limb. For a new approach in neurorehabilitation, we try to measure and visualize this mapper in the patients with abnormal body representation by psychophysical method and to correct the mapper.


Principal Investigator Shin-ichi Izumi (Professor, Tohoku University)
Co-Investigator* Tetsunari Inamura (Associate Professor, National Institute of Informatics)
Co-Investigator Naofumi Tanaka (Professor,Teikyo University)
Co-Investigator Yutaka Oouchida (Associate Professor, Osaka Kyoiku University)
Co-Investigator Kazumichi Matsumiya (Professor, Tohoku University)
Co-Investigator Hiroaki Abe (Lecturer, Kohnan Hospital)
Co-Investigator Yusuke Sekiguchi (Lecturer, Tohoku University)
Co-Investigator Masahiko Ayaki (Associate Professor, Keio University)
Co-Investigator Mitsuhiro Hayashibe (Professor, Tohoku University)

Research Project C02

C02-1 Rehabilitation for postural/movement impairments using sensory intervention


To perform motion properly, various types of sensory input must be reflected in posture/motor control prior to or concomitantly with the motion. Thus, the motor impairment is not just a musculoskeletal problem and related to sensory problems. Therefore, motor impairment can be improved through sensory intervention. In posture/movement impairments, the temporal and spatial activity patterns of systemic muscles are impaired, and muscle synergy control may have abnormalities. It is not fully understood how muscle synergy control is altered in motor disorders. Moreover, while daily rehabilitation is an intervention for fast dynamics (FD), it remains to be elucidated what interventions provoke slow dynamics (SD) efficiently. This project aims to elucidate abnormal muscle synergy control in motor impairment and to propose new theories for rehabilitation.


Principal Investigator Nobuhiko Haga (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator* Takashi Hanakawa (Director, NCNP)
Co-Investigator* Hiroshi Yokoi (Professor, The University of Electro-Communications)
Co-Investigator* Dai Owaki (Assistant Professor, Tohoku University)
Co-Investigator Akio Ishiguro (Professor, Tohoku University)
Co-Investigator Arito Yozu (Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Masao Sugi (Associate Professor, The University of Electro-Communications)
Co-Investigator Kahori Kita (Assistant Professor, Chiba University)
Co-Investigator Shin-ichi Furuya (Associate Professor, Sophia University)
Co-Investigator Kazumasa Uehara (JSPS PD, NCNP)

Subscribed Research (Second phase (FY2017-FY2019)

A03-1 Visualization of Brain Functional Dynamism by hybrid functional analysis with real-time feedback


The purpose of this project is to create functional templates of different tasks with multi-modality technique to visualize functional dynamism and improve decoding accuracy. We investigate patients with acute and chronic stroke and epilepsy, who frequently have functional modulation and pathological representations. Our system consists of functional decoding and sensory, visual and language feedback to the patients. Long-lasting training with functional feedback would visualize functional dynamism over time.


Principal Investigator Kyousuke Kamada (Department Head/Professor, Asahikawa Medical University)
Co-Investigator Fumiya Takeuchi (Associate Professor, Asahikawa Medical University)
Co-Investigator Shusei Fukuyama (Assistant Researcher, Asahikawa Medical University)


A03-2 Neural Basis for the Reference Frame and the Functional Synergies in Controlling Eye-head Coordination


In this research area “Embodied-Brain Systems Science”, a new method called NMF (non-negative matrix factorization), has been introduced and seems to have effectively determined muscle synergies in locomotion, posture and arm movements. However, neural substrates for those muscle synergies are mostly yet to be identified. In the vestibulomotor system, activation of each semicircular canal evokes canal-specific eye and head movements. This study is aimed at identifying functional muscle synergies in canal-specific head movements and revealing how they are implemented in neural structures using electrophysiological and anatomical methods.


Principal Investigator Yuriko Sugiuchi (Associate Professor, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
Co-Investigator Shinji Kakei (Project Leader, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science)


A03-3 Development of assistive technologies for rehabilitation by visualizing neural representation of muscle synergies using electroencephalography


This research project aims to visualize neural signaling and representation of muscle synergies during voluntary movements using non-invasive brain activity signal recording methods. We expect the visualizing technique could reveal transformation of neural signaling and muscle synergy organization by short and long-term motor learning.


Principal Investigator Natsue Yoshimura (Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Co-Investigator Hiroyuki Kambara (Assistant Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Co-Investigator Yosuke Ogata (Assistant Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Co-Investigator Okito Yamashita (Department Head, Neural Information Analysis Laboratories, ATR)


A03-4 Human Fronto-Parietal Network for Embodied-Brain System: A Combined Electrocorticographic Decoding, Stimulation and Lesion Study


We further develop the inter-group collaboration to establish a comprehensive approach (combining our invasive neurophysiology techniques with decoding, psychology, quantitative behavioral analysis, and functional neuroimaging) for elucidation of the left and right SLFIII network. We, in particular, focus on delineating the fast dynamic alternation (functional impairment) and its transition into slow dynamics alternation (plastic change, reorganization), so that these valuable findings can be translated into clinical neuroscience and finally into patient care. We believe our clinical system neuroscience findings contribute to the Embodied-Brain System Science as important clinical reference data for the construction and verification of engineering models, and the elucidation of the long-term compensatory mechanism by rehabilitation.


Principal Investigator Riki Matsumoto (Professor, Kobe University)
Co-Investigator Akio Ikeda (Professor, Kyoto University)
Co-Investigator Takeharu Kunieda (Professor, Ehime University)
Co-Investigator Kazumichi Yoshida (Senior Lecturer, Kyoto University)
Co-Investigator Masao Matsuhashi (Associate Professor, Kyoto University)
Co-Investigator Akihiro Shimotake (Assistant Professor, Kyoto University)


A03-5 Understanding the interaction between tactile and nociceptive information in the somatosensory cortex and controlling of nociception


It remains unclear that the representation of somatotopic map of nociception. We will explore the map in the somatosensory cortex by using in vivo imaging and a newly developed noxious stimulation device. To control the activity of the nociceptive and tactile pathways, we will stimulate these pathways selectively by using optogenetics. Then, we try to understand the interaction between tactile and nociceptive information in the somatosensory cortex and uncover its neural network.


Principal Investigator Hironobu Osaki (Assistant Professor, Tokyo Women’s Medical University)
Co-Investigator Mariko Miyata (Professor, Tokyo Women’s Medical University)
Co-Investigator Yoshifumi Ueta (Assistant Professor, Tokyo Women’s Medical University)
Co-Investigator Goichi Miyoshi (Assistant Professor, Tokyo Women’s Medical University)


A03-6 Body representation changes underlying motor recovery after internal capsular stroke in macaques


This research project aims to investigate changes in neural networks , which are involved in functional compensation during the recovery of dexterous hand movements, using a macaque model of internal capsular stroke. This project also aims to develop a novel technology to monitor changes in activities and networks in motor-related cortical areas during functional recovery after brain damage and to evaluate the possibility for the clinical application in the monitoring of patients.


Principal Investigator Noriyuki Higo (Senior Researcher, AIST)
Co-Investigator Yumi Murata (Senior Researcher, AIST)
Co-Investigator Toru Yamada (Senior Researcher, AIST)
Co-Investigator Jun Izawa (Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba)


B03-1 Elucidation of the synergy reformation mechanism for neural function recovery


Coordination of motor systems: synergy reflects the change in the neural system due to certain movement dysfunction and its recovery. Muscle synergy of congenital insensitivity to pain (CIPA) patients for walking shows the enlargement of activity duration, and that of stroke patients shows different coordination structure from healthy people. This research tackles the mechanism of such a synergy reformation owing to the neural ataxia through the motion and dynamical analysis of patients and animal models, and constructs an assistant method for motor recovery based on the characteristic of synergy.


Principal Investigator Tetsuro Funato (Associate Professor, The University of Electro-Communications)


B03-2 Transformation of body representations in embodiment process of active artificial limb


The purpose of this project is to develop technologies to change an original body-representation or to obtain a new body-representation of an active robotic limb through manipulation tasks. The technologies could contribute to development of a better user-interface for robot control and usability, and improvement of a rehabilitation process. We investigate embodiment process in two approaches. 1) The robotic limb is mounted on the user’s body. 2) The robotic limb is apart from a user’s body and sensory and visual feedbacks are employed.


Principal Investigator Yasuhisa Hasegawa (Professor, Nagoya University)


B03-3 Emergence of Fast/Slow Dynamics of Body Image in Muscular Skeletal Humanoid Robot


There are two ways to acquire body image from the viewpoint of the system engineering. One is to utilize the consistency of the body and the other is to utilize the maneuverability. The latter way is to find out invariance in the maneuverability through variety of tasks, which is not discussed in the viewpoint of engineering. This research project will study on emergence of the body image based on the invariance in the maneuverability by constructing human-like muscular skeletal humanoid robots. The robot is implemented to achieve reaching, object manipulation, door-opening, and gesture displaying, and through these tasks (fast dynamics), it will find invariance in its dynamics (slow dynamics). The result will be compared with that of a human, and we generate hypothesis on humans’ cognitive system.


Principal Investigator Koh Hosoda (Professor, Osaka University)
Co-Investigator Ichiro Tsuda (Professor, Hokkaido University)
Co-Investigator Hideo Kubo (Professor, Hokkaido University)
Co-Investigator Shuhei Ikemoto (Assistant Professor, Osaka University)


B03-4 Investigation of adaptation process of the upper limb by artificially-disabled healthy participants


For effective rehabilitation of the upper extremity with functional limitation, we need to set an appropriate rehabilitation goal based on an understanding of current degree of limitation and an expected recovery status some short while later. It is, however, difficult to collect such data for recovery estimation by observing actual patients. We concentrate on human hand grasps and aim to find out adaptation in grasp strategy according to various range of motion by observing artificially-disabled healthy volunteers. We will also try to estimate recovery status in the near future by developing grasp simulator for the hand with arbitrary range of motion by incorporating adaptation model in grasp strategy.


Principal Investigator Natsuki Miyata (Senior Researcher, AIST)
Co-Investigator Koji Fujita (Assistant Professor, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
Co-Investigator Yusuke Maeda (Associate Professor, Yokohama National University)


C03-1 The relationship between body consciousness and motor control aspects of body representation in the brain


In this study, we aim to determine the relationship between the two aspects of body representation in the brain: somatognosia and motor control. We study patients to identify the recovery courses of somatognosia and motor control during rehabilitation, and explore the underlying neural mechanisms.


Principal Investigator Arito Yozu (Associate Professor, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences)
Co-Investigator Masashi Hamada (Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Co-Investigator Michihiro kawano (Associate Professor, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences)


C03-2 Motor Skill Training/Analysis of brain plasticity Through Muscle Contraction Pattern-Based Direct Rehabilitation


Extensive and focused physiotherapy is needed to help individuals with disabilities, such as hemiplegics, achieve natural physical movement involving the simultaneous use of various muscles. This project aims to develop a new method for bilateral communication of joint motions, muscle cooperative patterns, forces, and joint impedance between the therapist and patient. We also try to understand the brain plasticity through motor skill training with our support method.


Principal Investigator Keisuke Shima (Associate Professor, Yokohama National University)
Co-Investigator Koji Shimatani (Professor, Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
Co-Investigator Hideki Nakano (Assistant Professor, Kyoto Tachibana University)
Co-Investigator Atsushi Tasaka (Associate Professor, Osaka Health Science University)


C03-3 Study on kinesthetic illusion induced by visual stimulation under the mixed reality and brain functional connectivity


We have developed a system to replace the subject’s own limb with an artificial body under the mixed reality given to the subject who is resting. The subject in a resting state can be induced kinesthetic illusion, as if the subject’s own body is moving, during the artificial body movement is shown. The aim of the present study is to clarify a change of the brain functional connectivity after repetitively the kinesthetic illusion was applied.


Principal Investigator Fuminari Kaneko (Associate Professor, Keio University)
Co-Investigator Yoshiyuki Asai (Professor, Yamaguchi University)
Co-Investigator Eriko Shibata (Researcher, Sapporo Medical University)


C03-4 Development of comprehensive measurement system of balance function to monitor the effect of rehabilitative interventions.


In this study, we aim to advance a comprehensive understanding of the body’s balance maintenance systems based on our previous work by measuring balance using the relationship between the center of gravity (COG) and center of pressure (COP) during stepping movements. We are planning to first observe the COG–COP relationship during physical activity or in response to perturbation and to then compare any observed differences to the subjects’ etiologies or brain lesion locations. Our final goal is to develop a comprehensive system for measuring balance function to monitor the effects of rehabilitative interventions and clarify the modifications to the motion control mechanisms during the reacquisition of the ability to balance.


Principal Investigator Masahiko Mukaino (Lecturer, Fujita Health University)
Co-Investigator Fumihiro Matsuda (Assistant Professor, Fujita Health University)


C03-5 Effect of “Hybrid-Neurorehabilitation to improve Sense of Agency” for patients with stroke hemiplegia


Following are the aims of the present study: (1) to quantitatively evaluate multisensory integration function and explicit and implicit sense of agency in patients with hemiplegia after stroke; (2) to investigate the relationship between sense of agency and severity and recovery from hemiplagia in a cross-sectional/longitudinal study; (3) to investigate the effect of Hybrid-Neurorehabilitation that improves adaptive motor learning and sense of agency.


Principal Investigator Shu Morioka (Professor, Kio University)
Co-Investigator Sotaro Shimada (Professor, Meiji University)
Co-Investigator Michihiro Osumi (Assistant Professor, Kio University)
Co-Investigator Satoshi Nobusako (Assistant Professor, Kio University)

Research activities
Activitiy reports
Journal papers
  1. Shuichiro Neshige, Masao Matsuhashi, Katsuya Kobayashi, Takeyo Sakurai, Akihiro Shimotake, Takefumi Hitomi, Takayuki Kikuchi, Kazumichi Yoshida, Takeharu Kunieda, Riki Matsumoto, Ryosuke Takahashi, Susumu Miyamoto, Hirofumi Maruyama, Masayasu Matsumoto, Akio Ikeda, Multi-component intrinsic brain activities as a safe, alternative to cortical stimulation for sensori-motor mapping in neurosurgery, Clinical Neurophysiology, 2018, Volume 129, Issue 9, pp 2038-2048
  2. S.Hamasaki, Q. An, W. Wen, Y. Tamura, H.Yamakawa, S. Unenaka, S. Shibuyua, Y. Ohki, A. Yamashita and H. Asama, Changes in Body Representation of the Human Upper Limb as a Function of Movement and Visual Hand Position, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 2019, Vol.23, No.2
  3. Kita K, Rokicki J, Furuya S, Sakamoto T, *Hanakawa T, Resting-state basal ganglia connectivity codes a motor musical skill and its disruption from dystonia, Mov Disord, 2018, 33(9): 1472-1480 Kasahara K, Hoshino H, Furusawa Y, DaSalla CS, Honda M, Murata M, *Hanakawa T, Initial experience with a sensorimotor rhythm-based brain-computer interface in a Parkinson’s disease patient, Brain Computer Interfaces, 2018, 5(2-3): 88-96
  4. Furuya S, Uehara K, Sakamoto T, *Hanakawa T, Aberrant cortical excitability explains the loss of hand dexterity in musicians’ dystonia, J Physiol , 2018, 596(12): 2397-2411
  5. Morioka S, Hayashida K, Nishi Y, Negi Y, Nishi Y, Osumi M, Nobusako S, Changes in intentional binding effect during a novel perceptual-motor task., Peer J, 2018, DOI 10.7717/peerj.6066
  6. Nobusako S, Osumi M, Matsuo A, Fukuchi T, Nakai A, Zama T, Shimada S, Morioka S, Stochastic resonance improves visuomotor temporal integration in healthy young adults., PLoS ONE, 2018, Vol.13, No.12
  7. Ohmatsu S, Takamura Y, Fujii S, Tanaka K, Morioka S, Kawashima N, Visual search pattern during free viewing of horizontally flipped images in patients with unilateral spatial neglect, Cortex, 2019, Vol.113, No83-95
  8. Katayama O, Nishi Y, Osumi M, Takamura Y, Kodama T, Morioka S., Neural activities behind the influence of sensorimotor incongruence on dysesthesia and motor control., Neuroscience Letters, 2019, Vol. 698, No. 19-26
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  207. Ogawa T, Omon K, Yuda T, Ishigaki T, Imai R, Ohmatsu S, Morioka S., Short-term effects of goal-setting focusing on the life goal concept on subjective well-being and treatment engagement in subacute inpatients: a quasi-randomized controlled trial., Clin Rehabil, 2016, Vol. 30, No.9, pp. 909-920
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  332. S Hanawa, M Sugiura, T Nozawa, Y Kotozaki, Y Yomogida, M Ihara, Y Akimoto, B Thyreau, S Izumi, R Kawashima: The neural basis of the imitation drive., Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2015, 11(1):66-77, [C01]
  333. Nambu I, Hagura N, Hirose S, Wada Y, Kawato M and Naito E, Decoding sequential finger movements from preparatory activity in higher-order motor regions: an fMRI multi-voxel pattern analysis, European Journal of Neuroscience 2015, 10.1111/ejn.13063. [A02-1]
  334. S. Tomatsu, T. Ishikawa, Y. Tsunoda, J. Lee, D. Hoffman, S. Kakei: Information processing in the hemisphere of the cerebellar cortex for control of wrist movement, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2015, in press, [A02-1]
  335. J. Lee, Y. Kagamihara, S. Kakei: A new method for functional evaluation of motor commands in patients with cerebellar ataxia, PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(7):e0132983, [A02-1]
  336. H. Mitoma, S. Kakei, J. Lee: Consensus paper: Neuroimmune mechanisms of cerebellar ataxias Cerebellum, 2015, in press, PMID: 25823827, [A02-1]
  337. Huang, Zhifeng, Katayama, Takahiro, Kanai-Pak, Masako, Maeda, Jukai, Kitajima, Yasuko, Nakamura, Mitsuhiro, Aida, Kyoko Kuwahara, Noriaki, Ogata, Taiki and Ota,Jun: Design and evaluation of robot patient for nursing skill training in patient transfer Advanced Robotics, 2015, Vol. 29, No. 19, pp.1269-1285, [B02]
  338. S. Togo and H. Imamizu: Normalized Index of Synergy for Evaluating the Coordination of Motor Commands, PLoS ONE, 2015, Vol. 10, No. 10, e0140836, [A01]
  339. Jongho Lee and Shinji Kakei: Feature extraction for movement disorders of neurological patients based on EMG signals, IT Convergence Practice, 2015, in press, [A02-1]
  340. S. Fujiki, S. Aoi, T. Funato, N. Tomita, K. Senda, and K. Tsuchiya, Adaptation mechanism of interlimb coordination in human split-belt treadmill walking through learning of foot contact timing: a robotics study, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2015 12(110):20150542, [B02]
  341. S. Shibuya, S. Unenaka, and Y. Ohki, Is this my hand? Body-ownership and the rubber hand illusion, J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 2015, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 213-216, [A01]
  342. T. Zama, S. Shimada, Simultaneous measurement of electroencephalography and near-infrared spectroscopy during voluntary motor preparation. Scientific Reports, 5, 16438, 2015 [C03]
  343. Puentes S, Seki K, Internal capsule stroke in the common marmoset, Neuroscience, 2015, 284, pp.400-411, [A02-1]
  344. Kazuhiko Seki, Hiroaki Yaguchi, Tomohiko Takei, David Kowalski, Takafumi Suzuki and Kunihiko Mabuchi: Modulation of spinal motor output by initial arm postures in anesthetized Monkeys, Journal of Neuroscience, 2015, Vol.35, No.17, pp.6937-6945, [A02-1]
  345. K. Usami, R. Matsumoto, T. Kunieda et al., Sleep Modulates Cortical Connectivity and Excitability in Humans: Direct Evidence From Neural Activity Induced by Single-Pulse Electrical Stimulation, Human Brain Mapping, 2015, E-pub, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.22948, [A03]
  346. Akihiro Koreki, Takaki Maeda, Hirokata Fukushima, Satoshi Umeda, Keisuke Takahata, Tsukasa Okimura, Michitaka Funayama, Satoru Iwashita, Masaru Mimura, Motoichiro Kato, Behavioral evidence of delayed prediction signals during agency attribution in patients with schizophrenia, Psychiatry Research, 2015, in press, [A01]
  347. W. Wen, A. Yamashita, and H. Asama, The sense of agency during continuous action: Performance is more important than action-feedback association, PloS ONE, 2015, Vol.10, No.4, e0125226, [B01]
  348. W. Wen, A. Yamashita, and H. Asama, The influence of action-outcome delay and arousal on sense of agency and the intentional binding effect Consciousness and Cognition, 2015, Vol.36, pp.87-95, [B01]
  349. W. Wen, A. Yamashita, and H. Asama, The influence of goals on sense of control, Consciousness and Cognition, 2015, Vol.37, pp.83-90, [B01]
  350. M. Tada, H. Uchida, T. Maeda, M. Konishi, S. Umeda, Y. Terasawa, S. Nakajima, M. Mimura, T. Miyazaki, T. Takahashi: Fear Conditioning Induced by Interpersonal Conflicts in Healthy Individuals., PLos One, 2015, 10(5):e0125729, [A01]
  351. T. Sakamoto, and T. Kondo: Visuomotor learning by passive motor experience, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2015, 9:279. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00279., [B01]
  352. T. Okimura, S. Tanaka, T. Maeda, M. Kato, and M. Mimura: Simulation of the capacity and precision of working memory in the hypodoparminergic state: relevance to schizophrenia, Neuroscience, Vol. 295, pp 80–89, 2015, [A01]
  353. K. Takakusaki: Brainstem control of locomotion and muscle tone with special reference to the role of medullary reticulospinal neurons, Parkinson’s disease and related disorders, in press. [A02-2]
  354. Snijders AH, Takakusaki K, Debu B, Lozano AM, Krishna V, Fasano A, Aziz TZ, Papa SM, Factor SA, M. Hallett M.: Physiology of freezing of gait (Review), Annals of Neurology (in press), [A02-1]
  355. Sugimori, E., & Asai, T.: Attribution of movement: Potential links between subjective reports of agency and output monitoring., Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology., in press, [A01]
  356. T. Funato, S. Aoi, N. Tomita and K. Tsuchiya: Validating the feedback control of intersegmental coordination by fluctuation analysis of disturbed walking, Experimental Brain Research, 2015, Vol. 233, No. 5, pp. 1421-1432, [B02][B03]
  357. F. Megumi, A. Yamashita, M. Kawato, and H. Imamizu: Functional MRI neurofeedback training on connectivity between two regions induces long-lasting changes in intrinsic functional network Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2015, Vol. 9, Article number: 160, pp. 1-14 doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00160, [A01]
  358. Iseki K, Fukuyama H, Oishi N, Tomimoto H, Otsuka Y, Nankaku M, Benninger D, Hallett M, Hanakawa T: Freezing of gait and white matter changes: a tract-based spatial statistics study J Clin Mov Disord 2015 2:1, [C02]
  359. Kasahara K, DaSalla CS, Honda M, Hanakawa T: Neuroanatomical correlates of brain-computer interface performance, Neuroimage, 2015, 110: 95-100, [C02]
  360. Kitajo K, Hanakawa T, Ilmonemi R, Miniussi C: Introduction to research topic: Manipulative approaches to human brain dynamics, Front Hum Neurosci, 2015, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00118, [C02]
  361. N.Haga N, M Kubota, and Z Miwa: Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy types IV and V in Japan Pediatrics International, Vol. 57, pp. 30-36, 2015, [C02]
  362. T. Okumura, T. Nozu, S. Kumei, K. Takakusaki, S. Miyagishi, M. Ohhira: Antinociceptive action against colonic distension by brain orexin in conscious rats, Brain research, 1598, 12-17, 2015. [A02-2]
  363. T. Asai: Illusory body-ownership entails automatic compensative movement: for the unified representation between body and action, Experimental Brain Research, Vol 233, Issue 3, pp 777-785, 2015, [A01]
  364. J. Nakagawa, Q. An, Y. Ishikawa, H. Oka, K. Takakusaki, H. Yamakawa, A. Yamashita, and H. Asama: Analysis of Human Motor Skill in Dart Throwing Motion at Different Distance, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol.8, No.1, pp.79–85, 2015, [B01]
  365. Masahiro Yamashita, Mitsuo Kawato, Hiroshi Imamizu: Predicting learning plateau of working memory from whole-brain intrinsic network connectivity patterns, Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 7622 doi:10.1038/srep07622, 2015, [A01]
  366. Maeda, K., H. Ishida, K. Nakajima, M. Inase, and A. Murata, Functional Properties of Parietal Hand Manipulation-related Neurons and Mirror Neurons Responding to Vision of Own Hand Action/./ J Cogn Neurosci.,2015. *27*(3): p. 560-72. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_00742., [A01]
  367. S.Hirose, I. Nambu, E. Naito: An empirical solution for over-pruning with a novel ensemble-learning method for fMRI decoding, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2015, Vol. 235C, pp. 238-245, [A02-1]
  368. Setogawa, S., Yamaura, H., Arasaki, T., Endo, S., and Yanagihara, D., Deficits in memory-guided limb movements impair obstacle avoidance locomotion in Alzheimer’s disease mouse model, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 7220
  369. Aoki, S., Sato, Y., and Yanagihara, D., Effect of inactivation of the intermediate cerebellum on overground locomotion in the rat: a comparative study of the anterior and posterior lobes, Neuroscience Letters, 2014, 576, 22-27
  370. Chiba,Ryosuke, Hashimoto,Sunao, Kazawa,Tomoki, Kanzaki,Ryohei, and Ota,Jun: Neural network modeling and analysis of turn duration time changing of silkmoth using Genetic Algorithm, Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering 2014, Vol. 2, No.2, pp.59-67 [B02]
  371. T. Nozu, K. Takakusaki, T. Okumura: Urocortin 2 blocks the suppression of gastric antral contractions induced by lipopolysaccharide in freely moving conscious rats, Regulatory peptides, 190, 12-17, 2014.[A02-2]
  372. T. Nozu, K. Takakusaki, T. Okumura: A balance theory of peripheral corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1 and type 2 signaling to induce colonic contractions and visceral hyperalgesia in rats, Endocrinology, 155(12), 4655-4664, 2014, [A02-2]
  373. H. Matsui, T. Noguchi, K. Takakusaki, M. Kashiwayanagi: Co-localization of TRPV2 and insulin-like growth factor-I receptor in olfactory neurons in adult and fetal mouse, Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin, 37(12), 1907-1912, 2014., [A02-2]
  374. L. Firmin, P. Field, M. Maire, A. Kraskov, P. Kirkwood, K. Nakajima, R. Lemon and M. Glickstein: Axon diameters and conduction velocities in the macaque pyramidal tract, Journal of Physiology, Vol. 112, No. 6, pp. 1229-1240, 2014, [A02-2]
  375. T. Ishikawa, S. Tomatsu, Y. Tsunoda, J. Lee, D.S. Hoffman, S. Kakei: Releasing dentate nucleus cells from Purkinje cell inhibition generates output from the cerebrocerebellum, PLoS ONE, Vol. 9, No. 10, e108774, 2014, [A02-1]
  376. T. Ishikawa, S. Tomatsu, Y. Tsunoda, D.S. Hoffman, S. Kakei: Mossy fibers in the cerebellar hemisphere show delay activity in a delayed response task Neuroscience Research, Vol. 87, pp84-89, doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2014.07.006, 2014, [A02-1]
  377. Imaizumi, S., Asai, T., Kanayama, N., Kawamura, M., & Koyama, S.: Agency over a phantom limb and electromyographic activity on the stump depend on visuomotor synchrony: a case study., Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol 8, pp. 545., 2014, [A01]
  378. T. Umeda, T. Isa, and Y. Nishimura: Proprioceptive information coded by populational sensory afferents, J. Phys. Fitness Sports Med, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 477-482, 2014, [A02-1]
  379. DE Callan and E Naito: Neural processes distinguishing elite from expert and novice athletes., Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 183-188, 2014, [A02-1]
  380. Hirokazu Tanaka, Terrence Sejnowski: Motor adaptation and generalization of reaching movements using motor primitives based on spatial coordinates, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2015, DOI: 10.1152/jn.00002.2014, [B01]
  381. T. Kondo, M. Saeki, Y. Hayashi, K. Nakayashiki, and Y. Takata: Effect of instructive visual stimuli on neurofeedback training for motor imagery-based brain-computer interface, Human Movement Science, 2014, doi:10.1016/j.humov.2014.08.014, [B01]
  382. T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh Watching novice action degrades expert motor performance: Causation between action production and outcome prediction of observed actions by humans. Scientific Reports 2014 4, 6989; doi: 10.1038/srep06989, [A02-1]
  383. Ganesh G, Yoshioka T, Osu R, Ikegami T: Immediate tool incorporation processes determine human motor planning with tools, Nature Communications, 2014, doi: 10.1038/ncomms5524, [A02-1]
  384. E Naito and S Hirose: Efficient foot motor control by Neymar’s brain, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2014, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00594, [A02-1]
International Conference
  1. K. Tsunetomo, S. Shirafuji, and J. Ota, Analysis of rockers during the stance phase of gait for feature extraction, IEEE Int. Symp. Micromechatronics and Human Science (MHS2018), Nagoya, Japan, 2018
  2. Qi An, Hiroki Kogami, Ningjia Yang, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Yusuke Tamura, Hiroshi Yamasaki, Matti Itkonen, Fady Shibata-Alnajjar, Shingo Shimoda, Noriaki Hattori, Makoto Kinomoto, Kouji Takahashi, Takanori Fujii, Hironori Otomune, Ichiro Miyai, Atsushi Yamashita, and Hajime Asama, Rehabilitation Intervention of Physical Therapists Improves Muscle Synergy during Standing-up Motion of Stroke Patients, 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2018), Osaka, Japan, 2018
  3. Ningjia Yang, Qi An, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Yusuke Tamura, Kouji Takahashi, Makoto Kinomoto, Hiroshi Yamasaki, Matti Itkonen, Fady Shibata-Alnajjar, Shingo Shimoda, Noriaki Hattori, Takanori Fujii, Hironori Otomune, Ichiro Miyai,
  4. Atsushi Yamashita, and Hajime Asama, Clarification of Altered Muscle Synergies during Sit-to-stand Motion in Stroke Patients, 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2018), Osaka, Japan, 2018
  5. Hiroki Kogami, Qi An, Ningjia Yang, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Yusuke Tamura, Hiroshi Yamasaki, Matti Itkonen, Fady Shibata-Alnajjar, Shingo Shimoda, Noriaki Hattori, Makoto Kinomoto, Kouji Takahashi, Takanori Fujii, Hironori Otomune, Ichiro Miyai, Atsushi Yamashita, and Hajime Asama, Effect of Physical Therapy on Joint Angle of Hemiplegic Patients during Standing-up Motion, 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2018), Osaka, Japan, 2018
  6. S. Hamasaki, A. Yamashita and H. Asama, A Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Body Representation Change of Human Upper Limb Focused on Sense of Ownership and Sense of Agency, Micro & Nano Scale Systems to Robotics & Mechatronics Systems 2018, Nagoya, Japan, 2018
  7. S. Hamasaki, A. Yamashita and Y. Tamura, Investigation of the Influence of Sense of Ownership and Agency on Three-Dimensional Change of Body Representation of Upper Limb, 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science 2018, Osaka, Japan, 2018
  8. Sonmin Yun, Wen Wen, Qi An, Shunsuke Hamasaki, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Yusuke Tamura, Atsushi Yamashita and Hajime Asama, Investigating the Relationship between Assisted Driver’s Sense of Agency and EEG Alpha Power, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2018), Osaka, Japan, 2018
  9. Kei Aoyagi, Wen Wen, Qi An, Shunsuke Hamasaki, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Yusuke Tamura, Atsushi Yamashita and Hajime Asama, Improvement of Sense of Agency via Visual Intervention in Virtual Reality, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2018), Osaka, Japan, 2018
  10. K. Mochizuki, K.Nakajima, M. Inase, A. Murata, Neuronal correlates of sensory suppression for self-attributable afferent inputs in primate primary somatosensory cortex. , The 2nd international symposium on Embodied-Brain system science, Osaka, Japan, 2018
  11. A. Murata, K. Maeda, H. Ishida, K.Nakajima, M. Inase, Visual feedback control of grasping in the parietal mirror neuron system. , The 2nd international symposium on Embodied-Brain system science, Osaka, Japan, 2018
  12. Sanada T, Mitsuhashi T,Takeuchi F,Kamada K, Complex functional brain network identified by “passive” electrical mapping in a case with intractable epilepsy., EmboSS 2018, Osaka, 2018
  13. Tanaka, H., Directional tuning and reference frames in human pointing, 3rd International Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2018
  14. Hirokazu Tanaka and Makoto Miyakoshi, Two extensions of trial reproducibility maximization for EEG data analysis, 3rd International Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2018
  15. Tanaka H, Ishikawa T, & Kakei, S, Neural evidence of the cerebellum as a state predictor, Neuroscience 2018, Kobe, Japan, 2018
  16. Hirokazu Tanaka, Makoto Miyakoshi, and Eishi Asano, A Multivariate Method Detecting Traveling Waves from ECoG data, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (Emboss 2018), Osaka, Japan, 2018
  17. Hirokazu Tanaka, Takahiro Ishikawa, and Shinji Kakei, Neural Evidence of the Cerebellum as a State Predictor, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (Emboss 2018), Osaka, Japan, 2018
  18. A. Fukui, H. Osaki, Y. Ueta and M. Miyata, Layer-specific impairment of somatosensory processing in the primary sensory cortex after motor cortex infarction, 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Osaka, Japan, 2018
  19. H. Osaki, M. Kawashima, M. Yasuda and M. Miyata, Nociceptive neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex: area and layer specific distribution, 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Osaka, Japan, 2018
  20. K. Kaminishi, R. Chiba, K. Takakusaki, and J. Ota, Musculoskeletal simulations to investigate influences of muscle weakness and sensory noise to postural control stiffness, 29th 2018 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2018
  21. K. Kaminishi, P. Jiang, R. Chiba, K. Takakusaki, and J. Ota, Musculoskeletal simulation for determining influences of the magnitude of sensory noise and stiffness on the selection of hip or ankle movement strategies, 40th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Hawaii, USA, 2018
  22. K. Kaminishi, R. Chiba, K. Takakusaki, and J. Ota, Musculoskeletal simulation to investigate influences of the magnitude of sensory noise and stiffness on the selection of an ankle/hip strategy, 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS 2018), Osaka, Japan, 2018
  23. Yusuke Sekiguchi, Takayuki Muraki, Hiroaki Ishikawa, Keita Honda, Haruki Yaguchi, Nobuyuki Yamamoto, and Shin-Ichi Izumi, Abdominal muscle elasticity in patients with hemiparesis due to stroke, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society , 23th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis,, USA, 2018
  24. Honda K, Sekiguchi Y, Owaki D, Izumi, Effects of a plantarflexion assisst orthosis on compensatory strategy during gait in patients with hemiparesis, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) 23th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, , 2018
  25. Takakusaki K, Autonomic and cognitive impairment based on basal ganglia dysfunction, International symposium on autonomic function, Nagoya, JPN, 2017
  26. Takakusaki K, Takahashi M, Miyagishi S, Kaminishi K, Chiba R, Ota J., Postural control that precedes to the forelimb reaching in the cat., Neuroscience 2017, Makuhari Messe, JPN, 2017
  27. Takakusaki K, Takahashi M, Miyagishi S, Chiba R. Drew T., Postural control that precedes to the forelimb reaching in the cat., Society for Neuroscience 2017, Washington DC, USA., 2017
  28. T. Fumuro, M. Matsuhashi, T. Hitomi, R. Matsumoto, R. Takahashi and A. Ikeda, Visuospatial processing load enhance the brain activity associated with motor preparation, 31st International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Washington DC, USA, 2018
  29. M. Togo, R. Matsumoto, A. Shimotake, T. Kobayashi, T. Kikuchi, K. Yoshida, T. Kunieda, S. Miyamoto, R. Takahashi and A. Ikeda, Role of the premotor and precentral negative motor area in praxis: a direct electrical stimulation study with behavioral analysis, 31st International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (第31回国際臨床神経生理学会), Washington DC/USA, 2018
  30. Neshige S, Kobayashi K, Matsuhashi M, Shimotake A, Hitomi T, Kikuchi T, Yoshida K, Kunieda T, Matsumoto R, Takahashi R, Miyamoto S, Maruyama H, Ikeda A., Rational cortical mapping algorithm for epilepsy surgery: non-stimuli, multi-intrinsic brain activities without cortical stimulation, 12th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress, Bali, Indonesia, 2018
  31. S. Kakei, Cerebro-cerebellar communication loop: its contribution to cognitive brain functions., The 75th FUJIHARA Seminar: “The Cerebellum as a CNS hub – from its evolution to therapeutic strategies”, Tokyo, Japan, 2018
  32. S. Kakei, Physiological basis of cerebellar ataxia, The 4th Taiwan International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Mvement Disorders, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018
  33. T. Honda, Tandem internal models fulfill precise motor control, The 75th FUJIHARA Seminar: “The Cerebellum as a CNS hub – from its evolution to therapeutic strategies”, Tokyo, Japan, 2018
  34. T. Ishikawa, S. Tomatsu, D.S. Hoffman, S. Kakei, Neural mechanisms generating cerebellar output in the cerebro-cerebellar communication loop, The 75th FUJIHARA Seminar: “The Cerebellum as a CNS hub – from its evolution to therapeutic strategies”, Tokyo, Japan, 2018
  35. S. Kakei, Dynamic cerebellum: neural mechanisms underlying emerging information processing, Symposium @ Neuro2018, Kobe, Japan, 2018
  36. A. Takai, D. Rivela, G. Lisi, T. Noda, R. Teramae, H. Imamizu, and J. Morimoto, Investigation on the neural correlates of haptic training, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 2018
  37. T. Asai and H. Imamizu, Normal aging in resting-state functional brain networks, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmBoss 2018), Senri Life Science Center, Shinsenrihigashimachi, Toyonaka-city, Osaka, Japan, 2018
  38. T. Hamamoto, H. Imamizu, and T. Asai, Resting and Meditating states in Functional Brain Connectivity, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmBoss 2018), Senri Life Science Center, Shinsenrihigashimachi,Toyonaka-city, Osaka, Japan, 2018
  39. M. Tanaka, T. Asai, H. Imamizu, and R. Ohata, Biased Sense of Agency Changes Feedback Control, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmBoss 2018), Senri Life Science Center, Shinsenrihigashimachi, Toyonaka-city, Osaka, Japan, 2018
  40. K. Hiromitsu, T. Asai, S. Imaizumi, M. Tanaka, H. Kadota, and H. Imamizu, Right Inferior Parietal Lobe Mediates the Relation Between the Prediction Error and the Sense of Agency—tDCS and TMS Study—, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmBoss 2018), Senri Life Science Center, Shinsenrihigashimachi, Toyonaka-city, Osaka, Japan, 2018
  41. R. Ohata, W. Wen, A. Yamashita, H. Asama, and H. Imamizu, Dissociative processes for detecting change in control, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmBoss 2018), Senri Life Science Center, Shinsenrihigashimachi, Toyonaka-city, Osaka, Japan, 2018
  42. H. Imamizu, Brain networks building up sense of agency , The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmBoss 2018), Senri Life Science Center, Shinsenrihigashimachi, Toyonaka-city Osaka, Japan, 2018
  43. Oouchida Yutaka, Ortiz-Catalan Max, Sudo Tamami, Inamura Tetsunari, Ohki Yukari, and Izumi Shin-ichi, EMG Biofeedback Training Improves Motor Impairment of Mental Disease: A Case Study of Conversion Disorder, 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Hawaii, USA, 2018
  44. S. Yun, W. Wen, Q. An, S. Hamasaki, H. Yamakawa, Y. Tamura, A. Yamashita, and H. Asama, Investigating the Relationship Between Assisted Driver’s SoA and EEG, International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation, Pisa, Italy, 2018
  45. Kamada K, Passive Mapping and Monitoring ICG-VG / ECoG for Neurosurgery, Lecture for Neurosurgery:Neurosurgery, Ground Round, Stanford University Morning conference, Stanford,USA, 2018
  46. Kamada K, Lecture for Neurosurgical Residents: Neurosurgery with Academia, Neurosurgery. Ground Round, Stanford University , Stanford,USA, 2018
  47. Kamada K, Rehabilitation with recoveriX and its positive effects oh fMRI in stroke patients, 2018 BCI Meeting, Asilomar, USA, 2018
  48. Kamada K, Clinical needs for quantitative evaluation of “Consciousness”, 2018 BCI Meeting, Asilomar, USA, 2018
  49. Kamada K, Passive Mapping and Monitoring using ECoG for Neurosurgery, 2018 BCI Meeting, Asilomar, USA, 2018
  50. Kamada K, Rehabilitation with recoveriX and fMRI evaluation for acute stroke patients, 2nd recoveriX & mindBEAGLE conderence 2018, London, 2018
  51. Kamada K, Treatment and Rehabilitation with recoveriX for acute stroke patients, BCI Workshop, BCI for stroke rehabilitation, Honolulu, USA, 2018
  52. Kamada K, Characterization and Decoding with Intracranial Recording, EMBC Preconference BCI workshop, Honolulu, USA, 2018
  53. Kamada K, Rehabilitation with recoveriX and its positive effects oh fMRI in acute stroke patients, EMBC Preconference BCI Workshop, Honolulu, USA, 2018
  54. Kamada K, ECoG-based Passive Functional Brain Mapping, EMBC 2018, Honolulu, USA, 2018
  55. Kamada K, Basic and advanced functional Brain Mapping/Monitoring for tumor surgery, SNSA CONGRESS 2018, Sun City, South Africa, 2018
  56. Kamada K, Clinical Impact of Real-time Monitoring for Deep-seated Brain Pathology, SNSA CONGRESS 2018, Sun City, South Africa, 2018
  57. Kamada K, Multi-spectrum Indocyanin Green Videography for CNS Vascular Pathology, WFNS FOUNDATION & ACNS MYANMAR SEMINAR YANGON, Yangon,Myanmar, 2018
  58. Kamada K, Real-time Passive Language Mapping for Awake Craniotomy, WFNS FOUNDATION & ACNS MYANMAR SEMINAR YANGON, Yangon,Myanmar, 2018
  59. Kamada K, Basics and Characteristics of Microscope for Vascular Disease, WFNS FOUNDATION & ACNS MYANMAR SEMINAR YANGON, Yangon,Myanmar, 2018
  60. Kamada K, Non-invasive and invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces for medical application and research projects, IEEE SMC2018, Miyazaki,Japan, 2018
  61. Kamada K, Passive Mapping and Monitoring using ECoG for Neurosurgery, 2018 BCI meeting, Asilomar, USA, 2018
  62. Kamada K, Rehabilitation with recoveriX and fMRI evaluation for acute stroke patients, 2nd recoveriX & mindBEAGLE conderence 2018, London, 2018
  63. Kamada K, Treatment and Rehabilitation with recoveriX for acute stroke patients, BCI Workshop BCI for stroke rehabilitation, Honolulu, USA, 2018
  64. F Kaneko, K Shindo, M Yoneta, M Okawada, K Akaboshi, M Liu, Comparison of functional brain connectivity before and after complex approach of KiNvis and BMI to patients with severely impaired chronic stroke. -A primary analysis of the resting state functional MRI- , Society fonr Neuroscience, San diego, USA, 2018
  65. M Okawada, F Kaneko, K Shindo, M Yoneta, K Akaboshi, M Liu, Relationship between EEG during motor imagery and upper limd function after the intervention with KiNvis and EEG-based BCI in patients with severe upper limb paralysis after stroke. , Society fonr Neuroscience, San diego, USA, 2018
  66. Fuminari Kaneko, Keiichiro Shindo, Megumi Okawada, Masaki Yoneta, Kazuto Akaboshi, Meigen Liu, Convergent approach including cognitive and physiological Stimulation for sensory-motor functional improvement in chronic stroke: A case report , ISPRM 2018, Paris, France, 2018
  67. Kamada K, Characterization and Decoding with Intracranial Recording, EMBC Preconference BCI workshop, Honolulu, USA, 2018
  68. Kamada K, Rehabilitation with recoveriX and its positive effects oh fMRI in acute stroke patients, EMBC Preconference BCI Workshop, Honolulu, USA, 2018
  69. Kamada K, ECoG-based Passive Functional Brain Mapping, EMBC 2018, Honolulu, USA, 2018
  70. Kamada K, Basic and advanced functional Brain Mapping/Monitoring for tumor surgery, SNSA CONGRESS 2018, Sun City, South Africa, 2018
  71. Kamada K, Clinical Impact of Real-time Monitoring for Deep-seated Brain Pathology, SNSA CONGRESS 2018, Sun City, South Africa, 2018
  72. Kamada K, Multi-spectrum Indocyanin Green Videography for CNS Vascular Pathology, WFNS FOUNDATION & ACNS MYANMAR SEMINAR YANGON, Yangon,Myanmar, 2018
  73. Kamada K, Real-time Passive Language Mapping for Awake Craniotomy, WFNS FOUNDATION & ACNS MYANMAR SEMINAR YANGON, Yangon,Myanmar, 2018
  74. Kamada K, Basics and Characteristics of Microscope for Vascular Disease, WFNS FOUNDATION & ACNS MYANMAR SEMINAR YANGON, Yangon,Myanmar, 2018
  75. Kamada K, Non-invasive and invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces for medical application and research projects, IEEE SMC2018, Miyazaki,Japan, 2018
  76. F Kaneko, K Shindo, M Yoneta, M Okawada, K Akaboshi, M Liu, Comparison of functional brain connectivity before and after complex approach of KiNvis and BMI to patients with severely impaired chronic stroke. -A primary analysis of the resting state functional MRI- , Society for Neuroscience – Neuroscience 2018, San diego, USA, 2018
  77. F Kaneko, K Shindo, M Yoneta, M Okawada, K Akaboshi, M Liu, Comparison of functional brain connectivity before and after complex approach of KiNvis and BMI to patients with severely impaired chronic stroke. -A primary analysis of the resting state functional MRI- , Society for Neuroscience – Neuroscience 2018, San diego, USA, 2018
  78. M Okawada, F Kaneko, K Shindo, M Yoneta, K Akaboshi, M Liu, Relationship between EEG during motor imagery and upper limd function after the intervention with KiNvis and EEG-based BCI in patients with severe upper limb paralysis after stroke. , Society for Neuroscience – Neuroscience 2018, San diego, USA, 2018
  79. Fuminari Kaneko, Keiichiro Shindo, Megumi Okawada, Masaki Yoneta, Kazuto Akaboshi, Meigen Liu, Convergent approach including cognitive and physiological Stimulation for sensory-motor functional improvement in chronic stroke: A case report , 12th International Scoiety of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress, Paris, France, 2018
  80. N. Miyata, Y. Yoneoka, Y. Maeda, Modeling the range of motion and the degree of posture discomfort of the thumb joints, the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Florence, Italy, 2018
  81. N. Miyata, R. Takahashi, M. Takemura, K. Fujita, Y. Maeda,, Observation of Grasping Style Adaptation due to Artificially-Limited Joint Range of Motion of the Thumb, 28th 2017 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, JAPAN, 2017
  82. R. Takahashi, N. Miyata, Y. Maeda, and K. Fujita, Grasps under Artificially-limited Thumb’s Joint Range of Motion –Posture Analysis with ROM Boundary and Muscle Loads–, 29th 2018 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, JAPAN, 2018
  83. Morioka S, et al. , The relationship between motor imagery ability and motor function, and frequency of body use in upper limb stroke hemiplegia, 12th the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine(ISPRM) World Congress, Paris, 2018
  84. Hayashida K, Morioka S et al., Effects of sharing goals with others on sense of agency and perceptual motor learning, International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology , Dublin, 2018
  85. Katayama O, Tsukamoto T, Osumi M, Kodama T,Morioka S, Neural processing mechanism of embodied disturbance caused by sensorimotor incongruence, The 17th World Congress on Pain®, Boston, 2018
  86. R. Chiba (Invited), Embodied-Brain Systems and Understandings of Postural Control with modeling, The 1st Korea-China-Japan International Symposium on Disability Overcome, Seoul, korea, 2018
  87. Kubota S, Sidikejiang W, Kudo M, Inoue K, Umeda T, Takada M, Seki K, Optogenetic activation of cutaneos and proprioceptive afferent in the rat scaltic nerve. , Society for Neuroscience 2018, San Diego, USA., 2018
  88. Kamada K, Super-passive mapping for language-related functions during awake craniotomy , Brain and Cognitive Science Meeting, Seoul,Korea, 2018
  89. Kamada K, Cerebravascular surgery in posterior fossa using multi-spectrum florescence angiography, 2018 China-Japan Cerebrovascular Disease Forum, Tokyo , 2018
  90. Kamada K, Dynamics of High Frequency Oscillations between Visual Recognition and Receptive/Expressive Language Functions, 50 Years of MEG, Poros,Greece, 2018
  91. S. Imaizumi, and H. Imamizu, Intentional binding in action–effect alternations, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC22), Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Poland), 2018
  92. R. Ohata, T. Asai, H. Kadota, H. Shigemasu, K. Ogawa, and H. Imamizu, Decoding self-other action attribution in the sensorimotor and the parietal cortices, 11th Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum of Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany, 2018
  93. K. Shima, K. Shimatani, G. Sato, M. Sakata, P. Giannoni and P. Morasso, A Fundamental Study on How Holding a Helium-filled Balloon Affects Stability in Human Standing, 2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, London, UK, 2017
  94. T. Mukaeda and K. Shima, A Novel Hidden Markov Model-Based Pattern Discrimination Method with the Anomaly Detection for EMG Signals, 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Jeju Island, Korea, 2017
  95. Kamada K, Important factorts of Microscope for CVD surgery, 2017 AANS, LA,USA, 2017
  96. Kamada K, Tamura Y, Super-passive mapping for language-related functions during awake craniotomy, Biomagnetic Sendai 2017, Sendai, 2017
  97. Tsuyuguchi N, Kamada K, Is it possible to detect high-frequency oscillation: HFO by clinical magnetoencephalogram: MEG under ordinary measurement condition?, Biomagnetic Sendai 2017, Sendai, 2017
  98. Kamada K, Recent trends of AVM treatment, 2017 PCCVD, 上海,中国, 2017
  99. Kamada K, Clipping of posterior fossa Aneurysms using multi-spectrum florescence video, 2017 PCCVD, 上海,中国, 2017
  100. Kamada K, Clinical Impact of real-time mapping and decoding for brain signals. -CortiQ>RecoveriX, Concept of mindBEAGLE-, 38th EMBC Workshops & Tutorials, Jeju,Korea, 2017
  101. Kamada K, Rehabilitation with recoveriX and fMRI evaluation for acute stroke patients: clinical impact and pitfalls, recoveriX & mindBEAGLE conference 2017, Graz,Austria, 2017
  102. Wada H, Kamada k, Results of treatment strategy with 2mm balloon for symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis, 14th WFITN 2017 Congress, Budapest,Hungary, 2017
  103. Kamada K, Cerebravascular surgery in posterior fossa using anatomical and quantitative florescence angiography , 2017Huashan International Neurosurgical Conference, 上海,中国, 2017
  104. Kamada K, Passive mapping and network analysis with ECoG, 13th International Workshop on Advances in Electrocorticography , Washington,DC,USA, 2017
  105. Kamada K, Disconnection of the pathological connectome for multifocal epilepsy surgery, American Epilepsy Society, 2017, Washington,DC,USA, 2017
  106. S. Unenaka, S. Shibuya, T. Zama, S. Shimada and Y. Ohki, Movement back projection during observation of an illusory embodied hand: Evidence by EEG mu-rhythm, Society for Neuroscience 2017, Washington, USA, 2017
  107. Matsumoto R, Kikuchi T, Yoshida K, Kunieda T, Ikeda A. , Subdural recording in epilepsy. M08C: Clinical Neurophysiology – Invasive studies, 23rd World Congress of Neurology,, Kyoto, Japan, 2017
  108. Matsumoto R, Usami K, Kikuchi T, Yoshida K, Ikeda A., Neural basis of altered consciousness during sleep: insights from effective connectivity and induced high gamma activities. Problems of Consciousness and Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Network Disease Roundtable 1: Consciousness and Multiple Levels of Non-Linear Brain, International Symposium: Neural Oscillation Conference 2017, Tokyo, japan, 2017
  109. M Togo, R Matsumoto1, H Takeyama, K Kobayashi, K Usami, T Nakae, A Shimotake, T Kikchi, K Yoshida, T Kunieda, S Miyamoto, R Takahashi, A Ikeda, Functional connectivity from medial and dorsal parietal areas: a cortico-cortical evoked potential (CCEP) study, Society for Neuroscience 2017, Washington D.C, USA, 2017
  110. S. Togo and H. Imamizu, Experimental evaluation of voluntarily activatable muscle synergies, Society for Neuroscience 2017, Washington DC, USA., 2017
  111. T. Asai and H. Imamizu, Normal aging in resting-state brain networks: Toward a connectivity-neurofeedback for the declined metacognition in elderly people, Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN2017), Nara, Japan, 2017
  112. R. Ohata, T. Asai, H. Kadota, H. Shigemasu, K. Ogawa, and H. Imamizu, Decoding self-other action attribution in the sensorimotor and the parietal cortices, Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN2017), Nara, Japan, 2017
  113. A. Takai, T. Noda, G. Lisi, T. Teramae, H. Imamizu, and J. Morimot, The differences in motor performances between sensorimotor area activities of pre- and during passive guidance, Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN2017), Nara, Japan, 2017
  114. M. Tanaka, T. Asai, H. Imamizu, and R. Ohata, Sense of agency altered by cognitive intervention affects motor control, Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN2017), Nara, Japan, 2017
  115. S. Chiyohara, J. Furukawa, J. Morimoto, and H. Imamizu, Proprioceptive Gain Affects Motor Learning, Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN2017), Nara, Japan, 2017
  116. Osaki Hironobu, Ueta Yoshifumi, Miyata Mariko, Dysgranular area in somatosensory cortex of mice represents nociceptive information, Society for neuroscience 2017, Washington, DC, United States, 2017
  117. Hirotaka Yoshida, Takeru Honda, Jongho Lee, Shiro Yano, Shinji Kakei, and Toshiyuki Kondo, Development of a System for Quantitative Evaluation of Motor Function Using Kinect v2 Sensor, 2016 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS2016), Nagoya, Japan, 2016
  118. Shiro Yano, Hiroshi Imamizu, Toshiyuki Kondo, Takaki Maeda, Learning process and Sense of Agency:Bayesian Learning or Not, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS2016), Nagoya, Japan, 2016
  119. Kosuke Kitahara, Yoshikatsu Hayashi, Toshiyuki Kondo and Shiro Yano, Sound imagery contributes to foot Mi-based BCI even through it does not influence on the sensorimotor rhythms, 2016 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA), Jeju, South Korea, 2016
  120. Megumi Miyashita, Ryo Hirotani, Shiro Yano, and Toshiyuki Kondo, Experiment of Reinforcement Learning with Extremum Seeking, The 2017 6th ICT International Student Project Conference (ICT-ISPC2017), Malaysia, 2017
  121. Tran Nguyen Bao, Shiro Yano, and Toshiyuki Kondo, Muscle Synergy Analysos in Darts Throwing, The 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Jeju, South Korea, 2017
  122. Hiroki Imura, Shiro Yano, Toshiyuki Kondo, Sequential Movement Has Equivalent Generalization Ability to Discrete Movement in Force Field Motor Learning, International Neurorehabilitation Symposium (INRS 2017), London, UK, 2017
  123. Shin Nagamine, Akira Ishii, Shiro Yano, Toshiyuki Kondo, Approach towards reduction of phantom limb pain using immersive virtual reality system, International Neurorehabilitation Symposium (INRS 2017), London, UK, 2017
  124. Megumi Miyashita, Ryo Hirotani, Shiro Yano, and Toshiyuki Kondo, Direct Policy Search with Extremum Seeking, SICE Annual Conference 2017, Kanazawa, Japan, 2017
  125. Hirotaka Yoshida, Takeru Honda, Arito Yozu, Jongho Lee, Shinji Kakei, and Toshiyuki Kondo, Age effects on smooth pursuit arm movement, Society for Neuroscience 2017 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA., 2017
  126. Eiko Matsuda, Daichi Misawa, Shiro Yano, and Toshiyuki Kondo, Olfactory Cues to Enhance Simultaneous Motor Learning in Opposing Force Fields, IEEE 2017 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS2017), Nagoya, Japan, 2017
  127. K. Matsumiya, Bodily awareness and the coding of visual space, RIEC International Symposium, Tohoku University, Japan, 2017
  128. Nonomura, M., Tseng, C.H., Matsumiya, K., Kuriki, I., Shioiri, S., Shift of visual attention to the illusory hand location, The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV2017), Tainan, Taiwan, 2017
  129. Matsumiya, K., Sato, M., Shioiri, S.”, Selective facilitation of the luminance visual pathway by postsaccadic target blanking, The 19th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM2017), Wuppertal, Germany, 2017
  130. K. Nakajima, Y. Higurashi, K. Morita, A. Murata, M. Inase, single-unit activity in cortical motor areas of unconstrained Japanese monkeys walking on a treadmill, Yamada Symposium 2017, Tokyo, Japan., 2017
  131. Natsuki Miyata, Reiko Takahashi, Masatoshi Takemura, Koji Fujita, and Yusuke Maeda, Observation of Grasping Style Adaptation due to Artificially-Limited Joint Range of Motion of the Thumb, 28th 2017 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, JAPAN, 2017
  132. Y. Sugiuchi, M. Takahashi, and Y. Shinoda., Input-output organization of excitatory and inhibitory burst neurons in the downward saccade pathway , Gordon Research Conference , Lewiston, USA., 2017
  133. M. Takahashi, Y. Sugiuchi, and Y. Shinoda., Roles of commissural connections between the bilateral superior colliculi on eye and head movements. , Gordon Research Conference , Lewiston, USA., 2017
  134. K. Kaminishi, P. Jiang, R. Chiba, K. Takakusaki, and J. Ota, Proprioceptive postural control of a musculoskeletal model against horizontal disturbances, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2017), Macau, China., 2017
  135. Fujikawa,Kaori, Shirafuji,Shohei, Su,Becky, Piovanelli,Enrico, & Ota,Jun., Estimation of fingergrip forces using high-density surface electromyography, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Micromechatronics and Human Science (MHS2017), Nagoya, Japan, 2017
  136. F. Kaneko, A Novel Approach of Cognitive-Stimulation Induces Voluntary Motor Output in Patients with Severe Stroke, The XXVI Congress of the international society of biomechanics, Brisbane, Australia., 2017
  137. F. Kaneko, Y. Itaguchi, E. Shibata, and K. Okuyama, Exposure to a unique visual stimulus with kinesthetic sensation results in synchronized reciprocally induced spontaneous muscular recruitment, The XXVI Congress of the international society of biomechanics, Brisbane, Australia, 2017
  138. Chiaki MIzuochi, Yoshiko Yabuki, Yasuhiro, Mouri, Shunta Togo, Soichiro Morishita, Yinlai Jiang, Ryu Kato, Hiroshi Yokoi, Real-time cortical adaptation monitoring system for prosthetic rehabilitation based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS 2017), Beijing, China, 2017
  139. R. Chiba, K. Kaminishi, P. Jiang, K. Takakusaki and J. Ota, Modeling of postural control in human with multisensory alteration by experiments and simulations, 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2017), Sapporo, Japan, 2017
  140. R. Chiba, K. Kaminishi, K. Takakusaki and J. Ota, Multisesory alterations in visual, vestibular and proprioceptive cues for modeling of postural control, IEEE International Symposium Micromechatronics and Human Science (MHS2017), Nagoya, Japan, 2017
  141. Y. Sekiguchi, D. Owaki, K. Honda, N. Hiroi, K. Fukushi, T. Nozaki, and S. Izumi, Effect of a new hip orthosis on unilateral side with various stiffness on gait in healthy control, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) 22th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 2017
  142. Y. Sekiguchi, T. Muraki, Dai Owaki, K. Honda, and S. Izumi, Categorizatin of Gait Pattern Based on Ankle and Hip Stiffness during gait in Patients with Hemiparesis due to Stroke, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) 22th Annual Meeting, Solt Lake City, USA, 2017
  143. D. Owaki, Y. Sekiguchi, K. Honda, N. Aizu, Y. Oouchida, A. Ishiguro, and S. Izumi, Walking Rehabilitation Using Auditory Biofeedback Prosthesis for Stroke Patients, AMAM2017, Sapporo, Japan, 2017
  144. D. Owaki, Inter and intralimb coordination for adaptive bipedal walking: Tegotae-based approach, SWARM2017 Workshop on Bio-inspired control for interlimb coordination and adaptation in legged robots, Kyoto, Japan, 2017
  145. S. Yun, W. W, Q. An, S. Hamasaki, H. Yamakawa, Y. Tamura, A. Yamashita, and H. Asama, Investigating the relationship between driver’s sense of agency and EEG: mu-rhythm is more suppressed in higher SoA case, IEEE International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS2017), Nagoya, Japan, 2017
  146. N. Yang, Q. An, H. Yamakawa, Y. Tamura, A. Yamashita, K. Takahashi, M. Kinomoto, H. Yamasaki, M. Itkonen, F.S.K. Alnajiar, S. Shimoda, H. Asama, N. Hattori, and I. Miyai, Clarification of Muscle Synergy Structure During Standing-up Motion of Healthy Young, Elderly and Post-Stroke Patients, 15th IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, London, UK, 2017
  147. Imai R, Osumi M, Ishigaki T, Morioka S, Relationship between pain and hesitation of movement initiation in acute phase after surgery, The 10th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC® , Copenhagen, 2017
  148. Katayama O, Osumi M, Nishi Y, Takamura Y, Kodama T,Morioka S, The influence of sensorimotor incongruence on dysesthesia and motor control, The 10th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC®, Copenhagen, 2017
  149. Kamada K, Important factorts of Microscope for CVD surgery, 2017 AANS, LA,USA, 2017
  150. K. Seki, Sensory gating and presynaptic inhibition during voluntary movement, Society for the Neural Control of Movement 2017, Dublin, IRELAND, 2017
  151. Kamada K, Super-passive language mapping combining real-time oscillation analysis with coortico-cortical evoked potentials for awake craniotomy, 神経オシレーションカンファレンス , 京都, 2015
  152. Hiroshima S, Kamada K, Examination of trigeminal neuralgia which did not improve by microvascular decompression, 5Th Mt. Bandai and Panpacific Joint Neurosurgical Convention 2016, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2016
  153. R. Ohata,T. Asai, H. Kadota, H. Shigemasu, K. Ogawa, and H. Imamizu, Decoding self-other action attribution in the sensorimotor and the parietal cortices, Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2017 Annual Meeting (OHBM 2017), Vancouver, Canada, 2017
  154. H. Imamizu, C. Cai, T. Asai, and R. Ohata, Brain mechanisms underlying self-other action attribution, The 44th Naito Conference on Decision Making in the Brain — Motivation, Prediction, and Learning, Chateraise Gateaux Kingdom Sapporo, Japan, 2017
  155. J. Ota, Introduction and overview of embodied-brain systems science, 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2017), Sapporo, Japan, 2017
  156. Mohamad Arif Fahmi Bin Ismail, Sotaro Shimada, The Effect of Delayed Visual Feedback on ‘Robot’ HAnd Illsuion: a near-infrared spectroscopy study., The 20th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic, 2016
  157. Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Takuro Zama, Sotaro Shimada, Effects of the visual feedback delay on visually-guided hand movement and self-body recognition., 22th Annual Meeting of the Organization on Human Brain Mapping , Geneva, Swiss, 2016
  158. T. Oya, T. Takei, and K. Seki, Functional tuning of rubromotoneuronal cells in the forelimb movement in a macaque monkey, Society for Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, USA., 2016
  159. Morioka S, Nobusako S, Ishibashi R, Osumi M, Zama T, Shimada S, Characteristic of visual feedback delay detection in apraxia following stroke, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, 2016
  160. Katayama O, Osumi M, Imai R, Kodama T, Morioka S, Neural network of dysesthesia symptoms produced by sensorimotor incongruence in healthy volunteers. A functional connectivity analysis, Society for Neuroscience , San Diego, 2016
  161. Nishi Y, Osumi M, Nobusako S, Morioka S, The Personality Traits Contribute to Voluntary Pain-Related Avoidance Behavior, Society for Neuroscience , San Diego, 2016
  162. Maeoka H, Matsuo A, Hiyamizu M, Morioka S, Effects of Relationship and Gender Difference on Pain, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, 2016
  163. Sato G, Osumi M, Morioka S, The effects of wheelchair propulsion on neuropathic pain and resting electroencephalography after spinal cord injury, 16th World Congress on Pain, Yokohama, 2016
  164. Katayama O, Osumi M, Imai R, Kodama T, Morioka S, Neural network of dysesthesia produced by sensorimotor incongruence. A functional connectivity analysis, 16th World Congress on Pain, Yokohama, 2016
  165. S. Irie, T. Nakajima, S. Suzuki, R. Ariyasu, T. Komiyama, and Y. Ohki, Motor imagery of muscle contraction is available to induce long-lasting potentiation in indirect cortico-motoneuronal excitation in a relaxed muscle., Society for Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, USA, 2016
  166. Ryu Ohata, Tomohisa Asai, Hiroshi Kadota, Hiroaki Shigemasu, Kenji Ogawa and Hiroshi Imamizu, Decoding agency grounded within the sensorimotor system: self-other action representation in the sensorimotor and the parietal cortices, The 1st international symposium on embodied-brain systems science (EmboSS 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  167. Hiroshi Shikida and Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Hand Space Change After Use of Extra Robotic Thumb, 27th 2016 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS2016), Nagoya, 2016
  168. H. Imamizu, Neural mechanisms underlying sense of agency, 4th mini-symposium on Cognition, Decision- making and Social function, RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI), Saitama, Japan, 2016
  169. A. Takai, T. Noda, G. Kisi, T. Teramae, H. Imamizu, and J. Morimoto , Learning arm movements instructed by a robotic system during motor imagery, Society for Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, USA., 2016
  170. M. Hamada,, Plasticity of human motor and sensory cortices induced by non-invasive brain stimulation, The 10th ICME International Conference on Complex Medical engineering (CME2016), Utsunomiya Japan, 2016
  171. M. Hamada, Determinants of the induction of cortical plasticity by theta burst stimulation, 6th International Conference on Transcranial Brain Stimulation, Goettingen, Germany, 2016
  172. M. Hamada, Current direction – Basic physiology and plasticity, 2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2017
  173. T. Sasaki, S. Tokushige, N. Togashi, S. Terada, Y. Terao, Y. Ugawa, and M. Hamada, Effect of subthreshold paired associative stimulation during voluntary contraction on motor learning, 2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2017
  174. T. Sasaki, S. Tokushige, S. Terada, A. Yugeta, Y. Terao, Y. Ugawa, and M. Hamada, Influence of the difference of induced current direction on measurement of corticospinal excitability changes after continuous and intermittent theta burst stimulation , 6th International Conference on Transcranial Brain Stimulation , Göttingen, Germany, 2016
  175. M. Hamada, Deep Brain Stimulation and Neuromodulation of Neurodegenerative Disorders, 第15回日米先端科学シンポジウム, Irvine, CA, USA, 2016
  176. M. Hamada, rTMS for Parkinson’s Disease, International Symposium on rTMS treatments , Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  177. M. Hamada, Physiological Background of TMS and Repetitive TMS, 13th NMG Practical Course Transcranial Magnetic and Electrical Stimulation, Göttingen, Germany, 2016
  178. M. Hamada, A new therapeutic application of neuromodulation, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS 2016), Tokyo, 2016
  179. T. Sasaki, S. Tokushige, S. Terada, A. Yugeta, Y. Terao, Y. Ugawa, and M. Hamada., Influence of the difference of induced current direction on measurement of corticospinal excitability changes after continuous and intermittent theta burst stimulation, 6th International Conference on Transcranial Brain Stimulation, Göttingen, Germany, 2016
  180. A. Mejia Tobar, R. Hyoudo, K. Kita, T. Nakamura, H. Kambara, T. Hanakawa, Y. Koike, and N. Yoshimura, Muscle activity reconstruction of ankle flexors and extensors using non-invasive brain activity recording methods, Neuroscience 2016 Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2016
  181. T. Ishikawa, D.S. Hoffman, S. Kakei, Intrinsic movement representation in the cerebrocerebellum, Society for Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, USA., 2016
  182. T. Ishikawa, S. Kakei, The cerebrocerebellum contains a forward model to control voluntary arm movement, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  183. T. Honda, H. Yoshida, J. Lee, S. Kakei, Analysis of motor function of arm movements on Kinect v2, 4th Advances in Neuroinformatics (AINI) 2016, Wako, Japan, 2016
  184. J. Lee, S. Kakei, Development and clinical application of a novel system to make quantitative evaluation of motor function using wrist movement, IGAKUKEN Summit for Japan and Korea Science Leaders 2016, Tokyo, japan, 2016
  185. S. Izumi, A new system for exercise of upper extremity of patients after stroke with using peripheral nerve magnetic stimulation device, Biomedical Engineering ecosstem symposium, Kuangfu campus, Taiwan, 2016
  186. Y. Oouchida, Decline of bodily attention to a paretic limb in the stroke patients with hemiparesis, 38th EMBC, Orlando, USA, 2016
  187. Hiroaki Abe, Keigo Shimoji, Takeo Kondo, Takanori Kochiyama, Tomohiro Chiba, Yoshihide Nagamine, Satoru Fujiwara, Yutaka Oouchida,
  188. Shin-Ichi Izumi., The longitudinal white matter alteration in patients with moderate to severe consciousness disorder due to traffic accident related brain injury, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS 2016) , Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  189. Koh Hosoda, Hirofumi Shin, and Shuhei Ikemoto, Proprioceptors of Muscular-skeletal Humanoid for Constructing Body Image, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Scienc, Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  190. Koh Hosoda, Hajime Saito, Shuhei Ikemoto, Muscular-Skeletal Humanoid Robot for Body Image Construction, 2016 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS 2016), Nagoya, Japan, 2016
  191. A.Ikeda, Advanced techniques in HFO analysis. , Workshop HFOs and the Epileptogenic Zone, 11th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress (AOEC), Hongkong, China, 2016
  192. Matsumoto R:, The ventral language network – its function, connectivity and plasticity: insights from direct cortical stimulation and ECoG recordings., Special Seminar at Cognitive Neurophysiology and Brain–Machine Interface Laboratory Department of Neurology,, Baltimore, USA, 2015
  193. N. Yoshimura, R. Okushita, H. Aikawa, H. Kambara, T. Hanakawa, Y. Koike, Classifying force levels of hand grasping and opening using electroencephalography cortical currents, 6th International Brain-Computer Meeting 2016, Pacific Grove, USA, 2016
  194. T. Kawase, A. Nishimura, A. Nishimoto, F. Liu, Y. Kim, H. Kambara, N. Yoshimura, Y. Koike, Modulation of muscle synergy activation during arm movements in patients with hemiparesis, Neuroscience 2016 Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2016
  195. N. Yoshimura, R. Okushita, H. Aikawa, H. Kambara, T. Hanakawa, Y. Koike, Classifying force levels of hand grasping and opening using electroencephalography cortical currents, 6th International Brain-Computer Meeting 2016, Pacific Grove, USA, 2016
  196. Murata A, Maeda K, Ishida H, Nakajima K, Inase M, Distinctive representation of self and other’s body in the parietal mirror neuron system, The 1st international symposium on Embodied-Brain system science, Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  197. Akio Ikeda, dvanced techniques in HFO analysis. (招待講演) Workshop HFOs and the Epileptogenic Zone,, 11th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress , Hongkong, China, 2016
  198. R. Chiba, S. Shiraishi, K. Takakusaki, J. Ota, Proposal of a model for initial diagnosis of cerebellar disease with rats, SICE Annual Conference 2016, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan, 2016
  199. R. Chiba, K. Takakusaki and J. Ota, Postural control on movable inclined platform with synergic analysis, The 1st international symposium on embodied-brain systems science (EmboSS 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  200. K. Seki, A neural basis of hand muscle synergy, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), Daejeon, Korea, 2016
  201. K. Seki, Voluntary movement and spinal interneuronal circuit : non-human primate study, Australasian Neuroscience Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2016, Hobart, Australia, 2016
  202. K. Seki, Neural control of limb movement and its disorder, 3rd CU-NIPS Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, 2017
  203. T. Oya, T. Takei, and K. Seki, Functional tuning of rubromotoneuronal cells in the forelimb movement in a macaque monkey, Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, USA, 2016
  204. T. Umeda, Y. Nishihara, M. Suzuki, Y, Yamanishi, T. Isa, and Y. Nishimura, Temporal dynamics of interaction between efference copy and sensory feedback in the primary somatosensory cortex, Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, USA., 2016
  205. K. Takakusaki, Neurophysiology of gait -Functional organization within the reticular formation with respect to the control of locomotion and postural muscle tone, 9th International Parkinson’s disease Symposium in Takamatsu, Takamatsu, Japan, 2016
  206. K. Takakusaki and K. Nakajima, Central representation of posture, The 1st international symposium on Embodied Brain System Science (Emboss 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  207. K. Takakusaki, Functional organization of the lateral part of the mesopontine tegmentum in relation to the control of posture and locomotion, Neuroscience 2016, Yokohama, Japan, 2016
  208. K. Takakusaki, Functional neuroanatomy of gait, The 1st international congress of Korean movement disorder society (1st ICKMDS), Jeju Island, Korea, 2016
  209. K. Takakusaki, M. Takahashi and R. Chiba, Posture-gait control by the lateral part of the mesopontine tegmentum, Society for Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, USA, 2016
  210. K. Owari, N. Nogami, T.Nakatani, M.Koizumi, H. Ishibashi, Y. Nagai, I. Tomioka, K.Seki, Generation of transgenic marmoset line with polyglutamine disease and behavioral phenotyping, Neuroscience2016, San Diego, USA, 2016
  211. Qi An, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Atsushi Yamashita and Hajime Asama, Temporal Structure of Muscle Synergy of Human Stepping Leg During Sit-to-Walk Motion, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Intelligent Systems (IAS-14), Shanghai, China, 2016
  212. Shunsuke Hamasaki, Qi An, Wen Wen, Yusuke Tamura, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama, Satoshi Unenaka, Satoshi, Shibuya and Yukari Ohki, Influence of Sense of Agency and Sense of Ownership on Body Representation Change of Human Upper Limb, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  213. Wen Wen, Atsushi Yamashita and Hajime Asama, How Agency Influences Ownership and Body Representation, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  214. Ningjia Yang, Qi An, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Yusuke Tamura, Atsushi Yamashita and Hajime Asama, Muscle Synergy Analysis in Human Standing-up Motion Using Different Strategies, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  215. Qi An, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Atsushi Yamashita and Hajime Asama, Different Temporal Structure of Muscle Synergy between Sit-to-Walk and Sit-to-Stand Motions in Human Standing Leg, the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016), Segovia, Spain, 2016
  216. T. Inamura, S. Unenaka, S. Shibuya, Y. Ohki, Y. Oouchida, S. Izumi, Effect evaluation of flexible change of self-body appearance on body representation in the brain – Development of a virtual reality platform for research on body representation –, ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, Utsunomiya, Japan, 2016
  217. T. Inamura, Development of cloud-based sensorimotor pattern database for research on embodied-brain systems science, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  218. T. Inamura, Development of VR platformfor cloud-based neurorehabilitation, Workshop on Novel Approaches of Systems Neuroscience to Sports and Rehabilitation (ICONIP 2016), Kyoto, Japan, 2016
  219. T. Inamura, Effect of flexible change of VR based self-body appearance for bodyrepresentation in the brain, 2016 EMBC workshop on embodied-brain Systems Science and rehabilitation, Florida, USA, 2016
  220. T. Inamura, A Cloud Based VR Platform for Sharing Embodied Experience in HRI, The 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems , Daejeon, Korea, 2016
  221. T. Mimura, Y. Hagiwara, T. Taniguchi and T.Inamura, Clustering latent sensor distribution on body map for generating body schema, The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Shanghai, China, 2016
  222. T. Mimura, Y. Hagiwara, T. Taniguchi and T. Inamura, Estimation of Number of Links in a Body Schema from a Latent Sensor Distribution on a Body Map, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  223. A.Taniguchi, L. Wanpeng, T.Taniguchi, T.Takano, Y. Hagiwara, S.Yano, Simultaneous Localization, Mapping and Self-body Shape Estimation by a Mobile Robot, International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Shanghai, China, 2016
  224. A. Yozu, Proposal of a new rehabilitation method for congenital insensitivity to pain., Japan-Europe international meeting on Embodied-brain System Sciences. Embodied-Brain: Perspectives from Motor Control and Muscle Synergies. , Taormina, Italy, 2016
  225. A. Yozu, Proposal of a new rehabilitation method for congenital insensitivity to pain, Workshop on Embodied-Brain System Science and Robotics Engineering for Rehabilitation, Padua, Italy, 2016
  226. A. Yozu, D. Owaki, T. Funato, Proposal of a new rehabilitation method for congenital insensitivity to pain, EMBC 2016 Full-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Science and rehabilitation., Orlando, USA, 2016
  227. A. Yozu, D. Owaki, T. Funato and N. Haga, Auditory Biofeedback during Walking Reduces Foot Contact Pressure in A Patient with Congenital Insensitivity to Pain, IEEE 27th 2016 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2016), Nagoya, Japan, 2016
  228. A. Yozu, D. Owaki, T. Funato, M. Hamada, T. Sasaki, H. Togo, N. Haga, Numerical expressions of temporal parameters for hexapedalism, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2016), Tokyo, Japan , 2016
  229. A. Yozu, D. Owaki, M. Hamada, T. Sasaki, Q. An, T. Funato, and N. Haga, Quantification of Temporal Parameters for Tripedalism, The 14th International conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Shanghai, China, 2016
  230. K. Shima and K. Shimatani, A New Approach to Direct Rehabilitation Based on Functional Electrical Stimulation and EMG Classification, 2016 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2016
  231. Noro S, Ishibashi H, Sato H, Yamaguchi N, Ogawa H, Orimoto R, Mitsui N, Hiroshima S, Anei R, Wada H, Kamada K, Successful therapy of thalamotomy for intractable thalamic pain. Case report, 5Th Mt. Bandai and Panpacific Joint Neurosurgical Convention 2016, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2016
  232. Kamada K, Stroke rehabilitation using recoverX, BCI meeting, CA, USA, 2016
  233. Kamada K, ECoG-based BCI for motor functions, BIOMAG 2016, Korea, 2016
  234. Kamada K, Passive mapping and active monitoringof ECoG in brain pathology, 11th International Workshop on Advances in Electrocorticography, Texas,USA, 2016
  235. Y.Murata and N.Higo, Changes of hand movements and neural structures in macaques after focal internal capsule infarcts, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Kanagawa, Japan, 2016
  236. Kamada K, Super-passive language mapping combining real-time oscillation analysis with cortico-cortical evoked potentials for awake craniotomy , 1st EMBOSS 2016, Tokyo , 2016
  237. Kamada K, Stroke rehabilitation at Asahikawa University, recoveriX and mindBEAGLE workshop, Monterey USA, 2016
  238. Kamada K,Tamura Y,Ogawa H,Anei R, Novel passive language mapping with mild awake state for tumor surgery, Osaka, Osaka, 2016
  239. Kamada K, Clinical Impact of Real-time passive mapping, 38th EMBC Workshops & Tutorials, Orlando,USA, 2016
  240. Shin Nagamine, Yoshikatsu Hayashi, Shiro Yano, and Toshiyuki Kondo, An Immersive Virtual Reality System for Investigating Human Bodily Self-Consciousness, The 2016 Fifth ICT International Student Project Conference hosted by the Faculty of ICT, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, 2016
  241. Hiroki Imura, Shiro Yano, and Toshiyuki Kondo, Rhythmic Movement Has Equivalent Generalization Ability to Discrete Movement in Force Field Motor Learning, SICE Annual Conference 2016, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan , 2016
  242. Hajime Tojiki, Shiro Yano, and Toshiyuki Kondo, Volatile Auditory Stimulus Has Negative Effect on Neurofeedback Training for Motor Imagery-Based BCI, SICE Annual Conference 2016, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan, 2016
  243. Dai Owaki, Yusuke Sekiguchi, Keita Honda, Akio Ishiguro, Shin-ichi Izumi, A Case Study of Long-Term Walking Rehabilitation Using a Prosthesis That Transforms Sensory Modalities for Stroke Patients, EMBC’16, Orlando, FL, USA., 2016
  244. Dai Owaki, Shun-ya Horikiri, Jun Nishii, Akio Ishiguro, “TEGOTAE”-based Control of Bipedal Walking, Living Machine 2016, Edinburgh, 2016
  245. K.Seki, Exploring a neural correlate of muscle synergy for hand and arm movements., 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orland, Florida, 2016
  246. K.Seki, Exploring a neural correlate of muscle synergy for hand and arm movements., 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orland, Florida, 2016
  247. K. Seki, T. Takei, T. Oya, J. Confais and R. Philipp, Exploring a neural correlate of muscle synergy for hand and arm movements. , 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orland, Florida, USA, 2016
  248. T.Umeda, Y.Nishihara, M.Suzuki, Y.Yamanishi, T.Isa, and Y.Nishimura, Origins of premovement activity in the somatosensory cortex., The 1st international symposium on embodied-brain systems science (EmboSS 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  249. T. Oya, T. Takei, and K. Seki, Divergent synergistic rubrospinal neurons are synchronized in a coordinated reach-to-grasp movement., The 1st international symposium on embodied-brain systems science (EmboSS 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  250. R. Philipp, J. Confais, T. Oya, and K. Seki, Neural adaptation in response to change in the musculo-skeletal system: A new primate model., The 1st international symposium on embodied-brain systems science (EmboSS 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  251. K. Seki, Exploring a neural correlate of muscle synergy in the spinal cord, Embodied-Brain: Perspectives from Motor Control and Muscle Synergies, Taormina, Italy, 2016
  252. T. Yamamoto, T. Hayashi, Y. Murata, H. Onoe, and N. Higo, Increased projections from ventral premotor cortex to deep cerebellar nucleus after primary motor cortex lesion in macaque monkeys, The 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Kingdom of Denmark., 2016
  253. T. Oya, Neural representation of muscle synergy in primate red nucleus and motor cortex, Embodied-Brain: Perspectives from Motor Control and Muscle Synergies, Taormina, Italy, 2016
  254. T.Hayashi, M. Glasser, S. Urayama, K.Gous, H. Watabe, K. Onoe, N. Tanki, J. Autio, Y. Murata, N.Higo, H. Onoe, D. Van Essen, and H. Zang, Cortical surface and brain volume atlases of high-resolution diffusion and structural MRI in macaque, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Switzerland, 2016
  255. Y. Murata, N. Higo, Plastic changes in the ventral premotor area after primary motor cortex lesion in macaque monkeys, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Tokyo,Japan, 2016
  256. Akihiro Koreki, Takaki Maeda, Toshiaki Kikuchi, Tsukasa Okimura, Yuri Terasawa, Satoshi Umeda, Shiro Nishikata, Tatsuhiko Yagihashi, Hirokata Fukushima, Mari Kasahara, Masaru Mimura, Tamotsu Watanabe, Abnormal functional connectivity based on sense of agency in schizophrenia:a fMRI study , The 22nd OHBM 2016 Annual Meeting, Geneva, Switzland, 2016
  257. Aizu,N. Oouchida,Y. Sudo,T. Izumi,S, Maladaptive change of attention to paretic hand in patients with chronic stroke, The 10th ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering , Tochigi, Japan, 2016
  258. Sato,Y.Oouchida,Y. Sudo,T. Izumi,S, The effect of imitative learning and bimanual training in chronic hemiplegia, The 10th ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering , Tochigi, Japan, 2016
  259. H. Imamizu, Temporal recalibration of motor and visual potentials in lag adaptation, ATR Mini Symposium on Sensorimotor Control and Robotics, Keihanna Science City, Kyoto, Japan, 2016
  260. H. Imamizu, Cerebellar internal models for dexterous use of tools, The 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016): Invited Symposium “The cognitive and neural bases of human tool use”, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, 2016
  261. H. Imamizu, Change in brain activity during motor learning, 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2016): Workshop “Embodied-Brain Systems Science and Neurorehabilitation”, Orlando, Florida, USA., 2016
  262. S. Unenaka, S. Shibuya and Y. Ohki, Brain activities reflecting tactile sensation in an artificial hand during the concurrent stimulation with the real hand, ICME International conference on complex medical engineering, Tochigi, Japan, 2016
  263. S. Shibuya, S. Unenaka and Y. Ohki, Observations of other’s actions elicit similar movements if the observer feels body ownership of the acting body part, ICME International conference on complex medical engineering, Tochigi, Japan, 2016
  264. Y. Murata, N. Higo, Changes of hand movements and neural structures in macaques after focal internal capsule infarcts, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Yokohama, Japan, 2016
  265. J. Ota, Embodied-brain Systems Science: Introduction and Overview, seminor, Rome, Italy, 2016
  266. J. Ota, Embodied-brain Systems Science: Introduction and Overview, Workshop on Embodied-Brain System Science and Robotics Engineering for Rehabilitation, Padua, Italy, 2016
  267. J. Ota, Embodied-brain Systems Science: Introduction and Overview, seminor, Messina, Italy, 2016
  268. J. Ota, Embodied-brain Systems Science: Introduction and Overview, Japan-Europe international meeting on Embodied-brain System Sciences, Taormina, Italy, 2016
  269. R. Ohata, T. Asai, H. Kadota, H. Shigemasu, K. Ogawa, H. Imamizu, Decoding agency grounded within the sensorimotor system: self-other action representation in the sensorimotor and the parietal cortices, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Tokyo, Japan, 2016
  270. Kamada K, Super-passive language mapping combining real-time oscillation analysis with coortico-cortical evoked potentials for awake craniotomy, 5Th Mt. Bandai and Panpacific Joint Neurosurgical Convention 2016, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2016
  271. A.Murata, Own and other’s body: shared or differentiated representation in mirror neuron system, The 2nd International Symposium on Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics Before and Beyond Mirror neurons (Invited), Osaka, 2016
  272. S Izumi, A new system for exercise of upper extremity of patients after stroke with using paeipheral nerve magnetic stimulation device, The 5th Korea-Japan NeuroRehabilitation Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2016
  273. T. Mimura, Y. Hagiwara, T. Taniguchi, T. Inamura, Estimation of Number of Links in a Body Schema from a Latent Sensor Distribution on a Body Map, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science(EmboSS 2016), Kyoto, Japan., 2016
  274. Takakusaki K. Neurophysiology of Gait. The 15th International Parkinson Disease Symposium in Takamatsu. 2016 02, 5-7, Takamatsu, Japan(招待シンポジスト)
  275. T. Sudo, Y. Oouchida, S.-I. Izumi, and K. Mogi, Mental transformation of body parts in manipulating the somatotopic representation, Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA., 2015
  276. T. Ishikawa, S. Tomatsu, DS. Hoffman, S. Kakei, Disinhibition of dentate nuclear cells generates output from the cerebrocerebellum, 9th International Symposium of the Society for Research on the Cerebellum, Brussels, Belgium, 2015
  277. T. Honda, S. Nagao, S. Kakei, M. Ito, Roles of two types of internal models of the cerebellum in prism adaptation of hand-reaching movement, 9th International Symposium of the Society for Research on the Cerebellum, Brussels, Belgium, 2015
  278. R. Sato, and K. Shima, Fundamental Study of a Force Representation Device for Fingertips Based on Somatosensory Superimposed Stimuli, The Twenty-First International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2016, Beppu, Japan, 2015
  279. Matsumiya, K., Sato, M., Shioiri, S., Effects of luminance and isoluminance stimuli on perceived stability across saccadic eye movements: a study of the landmark effect, The 23rd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society (ICVS2015), Sendai, Japan, 2015
  280. Matsumiya, K., Visual motion perception near one’s own hand, RIEC International Symposium on Vision and Cognition, Sendai, Japan, 2015
  281. S. Ikemoto, Y. Kimoto, H. Saito, and K. Hosoda, Development of an Upper-Limb Linkage Mechanism for an Advanced Musculoskeletal Robot Arm, International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines, Cambridge, USA, 2015
  282. S. Ikemoto, Y. Kimoto, and K. Hosoda, sEMG-based Posture Control fo Shoulder Complex Linkage Mechanism, IEEE/RSJ international Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015
  283. H. Shin, H. Saitoh, T. Kawakami, S. Yamanishi, S. Ikemoto, and K. Hosoda, Development of an embedded Sensor System as Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Proprioceptors, 22nd International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Beppu Convention center, 2016
  284. M. Sobajima, Y. Sato, X. Wang, and Y. Hasegawa, Improvement of Operability of Extra Robotic Thumb Using Tactile Feedback by Electrical Stimulation, The 2015 International Symposium on Micro Nano Mechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, 2015
  285. R Veale, T Isa, M Yoshida, Applying differential evolution MCMC to parameterize large-scale spiking neural simulations, 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Sendai, Japan, 2015
  286. Richard Veale, Tadashi Isa, Masatoshi Yoshida, Technical Implementation of a Visual Attention Neuro-Prosthesis., IEEE SMC 2015, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2015
  287. Richard Veale, Tadashi Isa, Masatoshi Yoshida, Parameter estimation of large-scale spiking simulations of superficial superior colliculus., Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, IL, USA, 2015
  288. Takakusaki K, Nakajima K. The physiology of Gait – from CPG to the frontal lobe. 2015 Paik Medical Center Inje University Parkinson’s Disease Symposium, Wednesday, 22nd, April, 2015, Seoul, Korea.(基調講演)
  289. Takakusaki K, Nakajima K. The Physiology and Pathophysiology of Gait; From Spinal Cord to the Cerebral Cortex. The First International Taiwanese Congress of Neurology (ITCN). 2015, 5, 7-10. Taipei, Taiwan.(招待シンポジスト)
  290. K. Takakusaki. Pre- and post-synaptic inhibitory mechanisms acting on lumber spinal segments during the medullary-induced muscular atonia in decerebrate cats. Neuroscience (SFN) 2015, 2015 10 17-21, Chicago, USA
  291. M. Mukaino, F. Matsuda, R. Sassa, S. Tanabe, N. Kumazawa, K. Ohtsuka and E. Saitoh, Development of a clinical tool for measuring dynamic balance function: A proof-of-concept study, 5th Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Cebu, Philippines, 2016
  292. V. Borkowski, S.Y. Tsai, J.L. Martin, H. Hioki, A.E. Marinopoulos, K.S. Hsu, C.M. Papadapoulos, G.L. Kartje, An examination of sex differences in neocortical excitatory synapse number in the aged rat, Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA, 2015
  293. E. Kuramoto, S. Pan, T. Furuta, H. Hioki, H. Iwai, A. Yamanaka, S. Ohno, T. Goto, T. Kaneko, A morphological analysis of thalamocortical projections arising from the rat mediodorsal nucleus: A single neuron-tracing study using viral vectors., Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA, 2015
  294. J. Sohn, S. Okamoto, N. Kataoka, K. Nakamura, T. Kaneko, H. Hioki, Excitatory and inhibitory inputs to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-expressing neurons in the mouse barrel cortex, Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA, 2015
  295. H. Hioki, J. Sohn, M. Takahashi, S. Okamoto, T. Kaneko, A single vector platform for high-level gene transduction of central neurons with Tet-Off adeno-associated virus, Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA, 2015
  296. D. Hirai, K. Shibata, K.C. Nakamura, T. Tanaka, H. Hioki, T. Kaneko, T. Furuta, Spatiotemporal dynamics of sensory processing in the rat whisker tactile system, Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA, 2015
  297. Ichiro Tsuda, Invited Talk, Chaos and Fractal in Memory Dynamics, 137th Soongsil Mathematical Colloquium, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea, 2015
  298. S. Unenaka, S. Shibuya, and Y. Ohki, Interactions between agency and ownership by moving virtual hand illusion., Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA, 2015
  299. Hanakawa T, Functional Imaging in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders: rsfcMRI, The 15th Anniversary Parkinson Disease Symposium in Takamatsu 2016, Takamatsu, Kagawa, 2016
  300. S. Suzuki, T. Nakajima, S. Irie, Y. Masugi, T. Komiyama, Y. Ohki, Galvanic vestibular stimulation is available to induce long-term potentiation of indirect cortico-motoneuronal excitation in a relaxed arm muscle in humans, Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA, 2015
  301. T. Nakajima, S. Suzuki, G. Futatsubashi, S. Irie, T. Komiyama, Y. Ohki, Plasticity of inhibitory effect on indirect cortico-motoneuonal pathways in humans, Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA, 2015
  302. Izawa J, Murata Y, Higo T, Schweighofer N, A computational approach to understand a valley of motor recovery, Society for Neuroscience 45th Annual Meeting , Chicago, 2015
  303. K. Amemiya, J. Izawa, J. Ushiba, and R. Osu, Toward identification of neural-pattern transition of limb selection using ongoing electroencephalogram, Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA, 2015
  304. K. Amemiya, J. Izawa, J. Ushiba, and R. Osu, Toward identification of neural-pattern transition of limb selection using ongoing electroencephalogram., The 38th Annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Kyoto, Japan, 2015
  305. Kamada K: Novel Techniques of Real-time Blood Flow and Functional Mapping for Brain Surgery, 83rd AANS, Washington D.C.,USA, 2015
  306. Kamada K: Functional dynamics of language and memory processing on ECoG, ISACM 2015, Helsinki, Finland, 2015
  307. Kamada K: Acute and Chronic Functional Reorganization on Electrocorticogram for Application of BCI, EMBC Workshop & Tutorials, Milano, Itary, 2015
  308. Kamada K: Passive Intraoperative ECoG Mapping, 9th International Workshop on Advances in Electrocorticography, Philadelphia,USA, 2015
  309. Kamada K: Realtime oscillation analysis for epilepsy diagnosis and surgery and awake craniotomy, AES 2015, Philadelphia,USA, 2015
  310. Ota,Jun, Naito,Eiichi, Izumi,Shinichi, Kondo,Toshiyuki, Imamizu,Hiroshi, Seki,Kazuhiko, Takakusaki,kaoru Asama,Hajime, Haga,Nobuhiko, Murata,Akira, Inamura,Tetsunari, & Hanakawa,Takashi. Understanding brain plasticity on body representations to promote their adaptive functions – embodied brain systems science World Engineering Conference and Convention (WECC2015), Kyoto, Japan 2015
  311. A Ritaccio, R Matsumoto, M Morrell, K Kamada, M Koubeissi, D Poeppel, J-P Lachaux, Y Yanagisawa, M Hirata, C Guger, G Schal: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Advances, Epilepsy & Behavior, 2015, Vol.51, pp312-320
  312. R. Matsumoto Network Disorders 20th Korean Epilepsy Congress Gwangju, South Korea 2015
  313. R. Matsumoto Functional connectivity revealed by Cortico-Cortical Evoked Potentials 20th Korean Epilepsy Congress Gwangju, South Korea 2015
  314. Qi An, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Atsushi Yamashita and Hajime Asama Muscle Synergies of Sit-to-Stand and Walking Account for Sit-to-Walk Motion 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics Tokyo, Japan 2015
  315. J. Izawa, Y. Murata, N. Higo, N. Schweighofer A computational approach to understand a valley of motor recovery Society for Neuroscience 2015 Chicago, USA 2015
  316. T. Hayashi, S. Urayama, T. Ose, H. Watabe, K. Onoe, N. Tanki, Y. Murata4, N. Higo4, H. Onoe, H. Zhang High-resolution diffusion and structural MRI brain atlas of rhesus macaques The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society Sapporo, JAPAN 2015
  317. T. Hayashi, G. Zhang , S. Urayama, T. Ose, H. Watabe, K. Onoe, N. Tanki, Y. Murata, N. Higo, H. Onoe High-resolution diffusion and structural MRI brain atlas of rhesus macaques OHBM 2015 Hawaii, USA. 2015
  318. Arito Yozu, Tetsuro Funato, Dai Owaki and Nobuhiko Haga: Development of a Measurement and Real-time Display System for Kinematics and Muscle Synergy of Gait, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  319. Yuji Ohmura, Naoki Arizono, Shiro Yano and Toshiyuki Kondo: Effect of Visual Condition on Brain Activity and Motion Accuracy during Cane Usage, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  320. Daichi Misawa, Toshiyuki Kondo and Shiro Yano: Effect of Olfactory Stimulus on Simultaneous Learning of Conflicting Motor Tasks, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  321. Ping Jiang, Ryosuke Chiba, Kaoru Takakusaki and Jun Ota: Generation of Biped Stance Motion in Consideration of Neurological Time Delay through Forward Dynamics Simulation, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  322. Daisuke Tomoi, Wen Wen, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Shunsuke Hamasaki, Kaoru Takakusaki, Qi An, Yusuke Tamura, Atsushi Yamashita and Hajime Asama: Estimation of Stress During Car Race with Factor Analysis, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  323. Shiro Yano, Toshiyuki Kondo, Yuichi Yamashita, Tsukasa Okimura, Hiroshi Imamizu and Takaki Maeda: Bayesian Model of the Sense of Agency in Normal Subjects, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  324. Dai Owaki, Yusuke Sekiguchi, Akio Ishiguro and Shin-Ichi Izumi: Auditory Foot: A Novel Auditory Feedback System Regarding Kinesthesia, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  325. Shunsuke Hamasaki, Qi An, Wen Wen, Yusuke Tamura, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama, Satoshi Shibuya and Yukari Ohki: Evaluating Effect of Sense of Ownership and Sense of Agency on Body Representation Change of Human Upper Limb, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  326. Jun Ota, Hajime Asama, Toshiyuki Kondo, Hirokazu Tanaka, Shiro Yano, Jun Izawa, Shinya Aoi and Ryosuke Chiba: Modelling Method in Embodied-brain Systems Science, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  327. Daichi Sasaki, Jun Izawa and Masahiko Morita: A computational Approach to Detect a Meta-learning of the Cortical Basis
  328. Function during a Motor Adaptation Study, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  329. Masafumi Sobajima, Yuichiro Sato, Wang Xufeng and Yasuhisa Hasegawa: Improvement of Operability of Extra Robotic Thumb Using Tactile Feedback by Electrical Stimulation, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  330. Sekiya Noro, Tetsuro Funato, Yota Sato, Yamato Sato, Dai Yanagihara, Shinya Aoi and Kazuo Tsuchiya: Dynamical model of the Body Sway of Bipedally Standing Rat with Rat with Olivo-cerebellar Dysfunction, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  331. Shuntaro Ishiduka, Hiroko Oshima, Shinya Aoi, Tetsuro Funato, Nozomi Tomita, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Akihito Ito and Kazuo Tsuchiya: Kinematic Analysis of Low Dimensional Structure in Walking and Running, 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science Nagoya, Japan
  332. Jun Ota, Eiichi Naito, Shinichi Izumi, Toshiyuki Kondo, Hiroshi Imamizu, Kazuhiko Seki, Kaoru Takakusaki, Hajime Asama, Nobuhiko Haga, Akira Murata, Tetsunari Inamura, and Takashi Hanakawa: Understanding brain plasticity on body representations to promote their adaptive functions – embodied brain systems science -, World Engineering Conference and Convention (WECC2015), Kyoto, Japan
  333. Eiichi Naito and Satoshi Hirose: Efficient foot motor control by Neymar’s brain, Human Brain Mapping 2015, Hawaii convention center 2015
  334. Kaoru Amemiya and Eiichi Naito: Importance of human right inferior fronto-parietal network connected by inferior branch of superior longitudinal fasciculus tract in corporeal awareness of kinesthetic illusory hand movement, Human Brain Mapping 2015, Hawaii convention center, 2015
  335. R. Chiba, K. Takakusaki, and J. Ota: Posture Control Strategy Analysis on Movable Declined Floor, The 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Milan, Italy, 2015
  336. S. Shiraishi, K. Takakusaki, R. Chiba and J. Ota: Quantitative evaluation of muscle tonus in rats with medial and bilateral cerebellar ablation, The 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Milan, Italy, 2015
  337. Jiang,Ping, Chiba,Ryosuke, Takakusaki,Kaoru and Ota,Jun: Proposal of a neural controller able to compensate neurological time delay for stance postural control, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference (SICE2015), Hangzhou, China, 2015
  338. K. Shima, K. Konno, and K. Shimatani: Forearm Motion Control Using Functional Electrical Stimulation for Motor Function Rehabilitation, 2015 RIC-IIT Workshop on Robotics and Interactive Technologies for Neuroscience and Neurorehabilitation Arenzano, Italy 2015
  339. Jongho Lee, Yuji Matsumoto, Tatsuji Morimoto, Yasuhiro Okada, Shinji Kakei: Quantitative evaluation of recovery process of stroke patients in terms of three components of tracking movement of the wrist Neuro2015, 神戸国際会議場, JAPAN, 2015
  340. K. Min, J. Lee and S. Kakei: Analysis for mechanism of pulling directions of wrist prime movers on the wrist with a musculoskeletal model, The 38th annual meeting of the Japan neuroscience society, Kobe, Japan, 2015
  341. R. Minohara, W. Wen, S. Hamasaki, T. Maeda, H. Yamakawa, S. Shibuya, Y. Ohki, A. Yamashita and H. Asama: Readiness Potential Reflects the Predictive Aspect of Sense of Agency, International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2015, Tokyo, Japan, 2015
  342. J. Ota: Introduction to embodied-brain systems science, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Sciences, Hamburg, Germany, 2015
  343. H. Imamizu: Neural mechanisms inducing plasticity on body representation, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Sciences, Hamburg, Germany, 2015
  344. H. Asama: Modeling of slow dynamics on body representations in brain, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Sciences, Hamburg, Germany, 2015
  345. T. Inamura: Immersive virtual reality system towards cloud based neurorehabilitation, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Sciences, Hamburg, Germany, 2015
  346. K. Seki: Muscle synergy as a foundation of embodied brain, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Sciences, Hamburg, Germany, 2015
  347. R. Chiba: Motion Dynamics Analysis and Modeling for Body Representation in Brain, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Sciences, Hamburg, Germany, 2015
  348. K. Kita: Neural basis of task-specific focal hand dystonia, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Sciences, Hamburg, Germany, 2015
  349. Tanaka H: How motor cortex represents body movements: Optimality, recurrent neural networks and spatial dynamics, IEEE The 24th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) Kobe, Japan, 2015
  350. Tanaka H, Miyakoshi M, Makeig S: Coordinate Systems in the Motor System: Computational Modeling and EEG experiment, The 5th International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Sanya, China, 2015
  351. J. Ota: Overview of the research program on embodied-brain systems sciences — understanding brain plasticity on body representations to promote their adaptive functions –, IEEE EMBC 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Milan, Italy, 2015
  352. Y. Ohki: Neural mechanisms inducing plasticity on body representation, IEEE EMBC 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Milan, Italy, 2015
  353. T. Kondo: Modeling of slow dynamics on body representations in brain, IEEE EMBC 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Milan, Italy, 2015
  354. T. Inamura, and Y. Oouchida: Neurorehabilitation based upon plasticity on body representations, IEEE EMBC 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Milan, Italy, 2015
  355. K. Seki: Neural adaptive mechanism for physical changes, IEEE EMBC 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Milan, Italy, 2015
  356. S. Aoi: Modeling of motor control that alters body representation in brain, IEEE EMBC 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Milan, Italy, 2015
  357. T. Hanakawa: Rehabilitation for postural/movement impairments using sensory intervention, IEEE EMBC 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Milan, Italy, 2015
  358. E. Naito: Neuronal representation of human body schema and its essential contribution for motor control and self-consciousness, IEEE EMBC 2015 Half-day Workshop on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Milan, Italy, 2015
  359. S. Fujiki, S. Aoi, D. Yanagihara, T. Funato, Y. Sato, K. Senda, and K. Tsuchiya: Investigation of adaptive split-belt treadmill walking by the hindlimbs of rats, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2015) Milan, Italy, 2015
  360. Y. Sato, T. Funato, D. Yanagihara, Y. Sato, S. Aoi, S. Fujiki, K. Nakano, and K. Tsuchiya: Measuring Body Sway of Bipedally Standing Rat and Quantitative Evaluation of Its Postural Control, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society., Milan, Italy, 2015
  361. S. Noro, T. Funato, Y. Sato, Y. Sato, D. Yanagihara, S. Aoi, and K. Tsuchiya: Evaluation of the Body Sway of Bipedally Standing Rat with Cerebellar Dysfunction, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Milan, Italy, 2015
  362. Ngoc Quang Nguyen, Quang Dang Khoa Truong, Toshiyuki Kondo: Fractals Properties of EEG During Event-Related Desynchronization of Motor Imagery, The 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Milan, Italy, 2015
  363. Naoki Arizono, Toshiyuki Kondo: Functional Connectivity Analysis of Brain Hemodynamics during Rubber Hand Illusion, The 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Milan, Italy, 2015
  364. Kosuke Kitahara, Toshiyuki Kondo: Modulation of ERD/S by having a conscious target during lower-extremity motor imagery, The 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Milan, Italy, 2015
  365. Naoki Arizono, Toshiyuki Kondo: Functional connectivity analysis of brain hemodynamics concerning embodied cognition, The SICE Annual Conference 2015, International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration, Hangzhou, China, 2015
  366. Kosuke Kitahara, Toshiyuki Kondo: The effects of foot and leg motor imageries on sensorimotor rhythms in EEG, The SICE Annual Conference 2015, International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration, Hangzhou, China, 2015
  367. Tanaka H, Miyakoshi M and Makeig S: Movement Representation in the Motor System: Computational Modeling and EEG experiment, The 14th Brain Connectivity Workshop, San Diego, U.S.A., 2015
  368. T. Funato, D. Yanagihara, S. Aoi, Y. Sato, and K. Tsuchiya: Spectrum Analysis of Body Sway in Bipedally Standing Rat, 2015 ISPGR World Congress, Seville, Spain, 2015
  369. S. Aoi, S. Fujiki, D. Yanagihara, T. Funato, Y. Sato, N. Tomita, N. Ogihara, K. Senda, and K. Tsuchiya: Investigating adaptation in hindlimb split-belt treadmill walking by rats using kinematic measurement and a neuromusculoskeletal model, International Society for Posture and Gait Research World Congress (ISPGR World Congress 2015), Seville, Spain, 2015
  370. Li L, Imamizu H and Tanaka H, Is movement duration predetermined in visually guided reaching? A comparison of finite- and infinite-horizon optimal feedback control, International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM) 2015 Tokyo, Japan, 2015
  371. Satou H, Sasaki A, Nozaki D and Tanaha H: Formation of internal forward model with sensory and reward prediction errors: A behavioral confirmation, International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM) 2015, Tokyo, Japan, 2015
  372. Y. Ohki, S. Shibuya and S. Unenaka: Effects of manipulation of virtual body on body representations and bodily self-consciousness, The 9th ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME2015), Okayama, 2015
  373. D. Owaki, H. Horikiri, J. Nishii, and A. Ishiguro: Experimental Verification of Bipedal Walking Control Exploiting Plantar Sensory Feedback 7th Int. Symposium on Adaptive Motion on Animals and Machines, Boston, USA, 2015
  374. D. Owaki, H. Horikiri, J. Nishii, and A. Ishiguro: Load-dependent Interlimb Coordination for Bipedal Walking, ICRA2015 CPG Workshop Seattle, USA, 2015
  375. M. Arif Fahmi Ismail and S. Shimada: The effect of delayed visual feedback on `Robot` hand illusion; a near-infrared spectroscopy study., 16th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF2015), Pisa, ITA 2015
  376. Akira Murata: The body represented in the parieto-premotor network. Tohoku forum for creativity thematic program 2015, Frontier of brain science, Symposium on Memory and Mind, Sendai, Japan, 2015
  377. Akira Murata: Self and other’s body in the parietal mirror neuron system, Japan-China Joint Symposium for Understanding Cortical Cognitive Functions (Invited), Kyoto, Japan 2015
  378. Tamami Sudo, Yutaka Oouchida, Shin-ichi Izumi, Ken Mogi: Mental transformation of bodily self: spatial and temporal aspects of imitation, The 9th ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME2015), Okayama, 2015
  379. Mayumi Nagai, Yutaka Oouchida, Shin-ichi Izumi: The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on child with involuntary movement after hypoxic encephalopathy: single case study, The 9th ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME 2015), Okayama, 2015
  380. Tetsunari Inamura, Yutaka Oouchida, Shin-ichi Izumi: Immersive virtual reality system towards cloud based neurorehabilitation., The 9th ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME 2015), Okayama, 2015
  381. S. Kakei, Dissociation and evaluation of outputs from predictive and feedback controllers for tracking movements in normal subjects and patients with neurological disorders, INCF Japan Node International Workshop, Admvances in Neuroinformatics 2014, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama Japan, 2014
  382. J. Lee, S. Kakei, Functional evaluation of motor commands based on a simple linear model in human wrist movements and its clinical application, 2014 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2014), Korea, 2014
  383. T. Ishikawa, S. Tomatsu, DS. Hoffman, S. Kakei, Mossy fibers in the cerebellar hemisphere show activity during an instructed delay period, Society for Neuroscience 2014, Washington D.C., USA., 2014
  384. T. Ishikawa, S. Tomatsu, DS. Hoffman, S. Kakei, Releasing dentate nucleus cells from Purkinje cell inhibition generates output from the cerebrocerebellum, Vision, Memory, Thought – International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2014
  385. Takakusaki K, Nakajima K. The physiology of Gait – from CPG to the frontal lobe First International Freezing of Gait Congress (IFOG 2014). 2014, February 5-7, Dead Sea, Israel.(基調講演)
  386. T. Umeda, K. Takakusaki, and T. Isa, Glycinergic inhibition of the ipsilateral cortical excitation to forelimb motoneurons in monkeys, 18thThai Neuroscience Society Conference 2014and 2ndCU-NIPS Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, 2014
  387. K. Amemiya, Identification of Limb Selection Using Ongoing Activity, Brain Connects 2014, Nanyang , Singapore, 2014
  388. Yuki Shimizu, Masao Sugi, Misato Ohdaira, Soichiro Morishita, Tatsuhiro Nakamura, Ryu Kato, and Hiroshi Yokoi: Force Estimation by Surface Electromyography during Functional Electrical Stimulation, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2014), Bali, Indonesia, 2014
  389. Kita K, Osu R, Fufuya S, Sakamoto S, Hanakawa T: Abnormal cerebellar activity and connectivity in pianists with focal hand dystonia: an fMRI study, Neuroscience2014, Washington DC, USA, 2014
  390. Ogata Y and Hanakawa T: Neural mechanisms underlying changes in preference for visual motor stimuli after exposure with imitation and observation, Neuroscience2014, Washington DC, USA, 2014
  391. T. Maeda: Depersonalization in the schizophrenia spectrum:lack of sense of agency at the current time of action due to impaired prediction, 4th Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference, Florence, Itary, 2014
  392. Tada M, Uchida H, Maeda T, Konishi M, Umeda S, Terasawa Y, Nakajima S, Mimura M, Takahashi T.: The learning process in association with interpersonal conflict in healthy people, using fear conditioning paradigm, Society of Biological Psychiatry 69th Annual Scientific Meeting New York, USA, 2014
  393. K. Takakusaki: Supraspinal Control of Locomotor Rhythm, Neuro-Oscillation Conference 2014, Okazaki, JAPAN, 2014
  394. K. Takakusaki: Brainstem control of locomotion and posture, Scientific Program of the International Conference; New ideas, perspectives and applications in functional neurosurgery; State of the art of the deep brain stimulation of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg area) (4th Symposium), Rome, Italy 2014
  395. K. Takakusaki, R. Chiba, K. Obara, T. Nozu, and T. Okumura: Spinal interneuronal organization involved in the control of postural muscle tone in the cat, Neuroscience 2014, Washington DC, USA, 2014
  396. M. Yamashita, M. Kawato, and H. Imamizu: Prediction of individual learning plateau of a working memory training from whole-brain resting state functional connectivity patterns, Society for Neuroscience 2014, Washington, DC., USA. 2014
  397. H. Yaguchi, D. Kowalski, T. Takei and K. Seki: Posture dependency of the twitch responses induced by intraspinal microstimulation to the primate spinal cord, Society for Neuroscience 2014, Washington D.C., USA. 2014
  398. T. Nakajima, S. Suzuki, H. Ohtsuka, T. Endoh, Y. Masugi, S. Irie, T. Komiyama, Y. Ohki: Plasticity of indirect cortico-motoneuronal excitations in relaxed hand muscles in humans. Society for Neuroscience 2014, Washington DC, USA, 2014
  399. J. Yagi, Y. Kobayashi, N. Hirai, Y. Ohki: Electrophysiological characteristics of chloroquine-sensitive dorsal root ganglion neurons in rats. Society for Neuroscience 2014 Washington DC, USA, 2014
  400. T. Umeda, T. Isa, and Y. Nishimura: Sources of the premovement activity in the primary somatosensory cortex Neurobiology and Neuroinformatics (NBNI), Okazaki, Japan, 2014
  401. K. Seki: Subcortical control of voluntary movement, 18th Thai Neuroscience Society Conference 2014 and 2nd CU-NIPS Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand
  402. T. Umeda, K. Takakusaki, and T. Isa: Glycinergic inhibition of the ipsilateral cortical excitation to forelimb motoneurons in monkeys 18thThai Neuroscience Society Conference 2014 and 2nd CU-NIPS Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, 2014
  403. Q. An, Y. Ishikawa, S. Aoi, T. Funato, H. Oka, H. Yamakawa, A. Yamashita, H. Asama: Analysis of Muscle Synergy Contribution on Human Standing-up Motion Using Human Neuro-Musculoskeletal Model, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2015), Seattle, USA, 2015
  404. Jiang Ping, Chiba Ryosuke, Takakusaki Kaoru & Ota Jun: Stance postural control of a musculoskeletal model able to compensate neurological
  405. time delay, Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2014) Bali, Indonesia 2014
  406. Jun Ota, The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), plenary talk, Embodied-brain Systems Science – understanding brain plasticity on body representations, 中国広州, 2014 12/18, 【招待講演】
  407. Y. Oouchida, N. Aizu, K. Sugiyama, Y. Suzuki, E. Suzuki, S. Izumi: IMITATION MOVEMENT REDUCED PHANTOM LIMB PAIN IN BILATERAL LOWER LIMB AMPUTATION, 4th Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2014 Bangok, Thailand, 2014
Annual reports
Secretariat of Embodied-brain systems sciences
E-mail: embrain at livingsyslab dot org